Man, WHO is hiding the Treme icons? I have found exactly one post in all of LJ-dom with Treme icons, and thankfully they were nice, but I want icons of Toni and Davis and Annie and more of Ladonna (LaDonna?) and Janette! That was a
fantastic finale they had. I was so sad for Toni and Sofia for what Creighton did, but boy, did Melissa Leo rock that acting thing. I absolutely love the acting in this show. I hope we see Janette again, and more of David Morse, and less of fucking Sonny. I like Davis at his douchetastic-iest, but he gets ten times more delightful when he's around Annie, so I love where they ended up. I'm very plesaed with this show.
And Leverage is back!
And it is as DELIGHTFUL as ever. The only disappointment I can say I have with these episodes is that Nathan didn't wear a hat as Drake Whatshisname! But ooh, Eliot and Sophie in "The Reunion Job," HOW MUCH DO I LOVE THEM IT IS A LOT. No even in a shippy way (though I wouldn't say no), and in fact Nate and Sophie being crowned king and queen of the high school reunion they conned their way into worked on me, shippy sap that I am. As did Hardison and Parker dancing. PARKER! I am SO GLAD to have that woman back in my screen. I love this teeeeaaaam, Eliot grumbling that nobody even asks if he's alive while everyone was slow dancing cracked me up. Much cracking up was had! And it looks like we're getting an arc this year? One that isn't about how drunk Nate is, I mean. I suppose we had Sophie's last year, but that was mostly defined by her absence, and Tara was so awesome, I mostly focused on her. And the team becoming the team in season one, okay. Basically, Leverage is joy.
I am almost done with Firefly! I kinda love it after all. Damn you Joss and your always making me love all your characters so much. I can't even pick a favorite. It's Zoe, except it's Wash, except it's Mal, except it's Inara.
It turns out there are episodes of season one of Scrubs I'd never seen before, who would've figured?
I am so sleepy right now. Is it Saturday yet?