All done with this round of midterms. HOORAY.
I was completely enjoying this episode, and liking Elena more and more by the minute (she's so reasonable! And pretty!) and then the last minute happened and BAM, AWESOME ATTACK! I'm still kinda eeeee! Yay, show! Go you for always surpassing my expectations, week after week! It seems stupid, though, to lock Damon in with the magical plant thingie (what's it called?), because of course he's getting out, and now he knows about Zach's supply.
I finished season 1 of Dollhouse, and LOVED IT. The second half of the season is so stupidly better than the first half, it's unbelievable. Drugged! Topher and Adelle, Topher and geek!Sierra, MELLIE and Mr. Dominic are now some of my favorite scenes/things/people ("OH MY GOD I FIND LENTILS COMPLETELY INCOMPREHENSIBLE." Best ever.)
So, y'know, if anyone has any awesome Dollhouse fic recs, throw them my way.
Also saw Supernatural, but all I have to say about that is that I heart Castiel. So adorkable!