God is so amazing!!!!

Mar 02, 2006 19:06

We were so blessed to get to go to Winter Bible Seminar last week! It is the annual homecoming week for Rhema graduates. Don and I were both filled up and maxed out by the Spirit of God! He is so good!!! I came back so refreshed and renewed in my faith! It was really impressed on me by the Lord the importance the environment we live in being condusive to praying always. Mrs Hagin talked about how in order to pray without ceasing we have to create an environment in our lives that will lend to that. It is so true! I realized I had slowly allowed things to slip into my life that were distractions in my thought life. Just mundane things. like TV, NPR in the car (hey that rhymed :-) ) Little things. Neglecting feeding my spirit with the Word of God on a daily basis. We have been playing worship music on itunes 24/7 in our house. I can't even tell you what a difference it has made in our home! It is so peaceful to just walk in and hear music that invites you to rest in the pressence of God. I have also been listening to teaching tapes in my car instead of the bad news on NPR. I have found myself more filled up to minsiter whenever the need arises (as it seems to have been doing alot more lately) I am amazed at how simple changes can enhance your life! GOD IS SO GOOD! I have so mnay other things I am thinking of, but I really need to finish my dinner and get into music practice :-)
Love to you all!
the REAL wondur woman!
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