Introductory post

Feb 19, 2006 17:15

After months of apathy and letting this LJ kick around for a while with no content on it, the time has perhaps come to start afresh and introduce myself properly.

My name is Jean; I'm currently a student studying French and Italian at Edinburgh University and although the amount of work can be tough sometimes, I like being a university student - it's been much more agreeable than school was in general. I cannot think of a good reason as to why I really took Italian as the other half of my joint degree, apart from the fact that I was put off doing my original degree (French and European History, for those who would like to know) by one of my History teachers at A Level, a decision which has sometimes caused me some regret. That's not to say that I don't like learning languages; in fact, I'm still toying with the idea of doing a second degree in some slightly more exotic (i.e. non Roman alphabet) language after my time at Edinburgh - naturally, after working off some of my student loan. We'll see.

Other than that, my other interests include cinema, though I'm not really a film buff; music (have a look at my interests page, though I'm sure I've missed some stuff out) and reading when I get the time or inclination. I'm currently in my Third Year at uni and it's my year abroad at the moment, with equal time split between universities in France and Italy, so life's been quite hectic and at times a little weird. I did have an LJ before this, but it died a very slow and lingering death filled with emo posts, so here we go again...