Jul 24, 2005 15:28
...but I expect you to read every word of it.
name?: Lauren
do you like it?: Lola would be better...hahaha
what does it mean?: something like "from/of the laurels"
if you could change it, what would you change it to?: Lola...hahaha
middle name?: Elizabeth
what would your name be if you were a member of the opposite sex?: no idea
age?: 19
age you act?: ha...I don't know. I like to think I'm 25, but I generally act about 12
birthplace?: Wilkes-Barre General
birthday?: May 6, 1985
current location?: Laflin
righty or lefty?: Righty
hair color?: it's debatable...I guess dirty blonde is the best, though, lol
eye color?: blue-gray
height?: 5'3 1/2...lol
Siblings: mikey
do you get along with your siblings if you have any?: rarely
who do you live with?: My parents during the summer...at king's during the school year
pets?: none
your heritage (ie. Polish, Japanese, etc.)?: Italian, German, English
zodiac sign?: Taurus...THE BULL
color?: red-ish
car?: don't really have a favorite
flower?: I love getting roses...they're classic
number?: 7
animal?: little puppies
food type (ie. Italian, Indian, etc.)?: Asian
resturant?: Ruby Foo's in New York
dessert?: creme brulee..mmmm...
pizza topping?: cheese I guess
junk food/candy?: almond toffee bar from gertrude hawk
store?: urban outfitters
shoe brand?: anything that's expensive but I get on sale, lol
album?: hmm...maybe alanis unplugged
band?: don't have one
favorite song?: Bee Gee - To Love Somebody...*sigh* I love it!!!!
singer?: Alanis Morissette
movie?: hmm...An afair to remember, an american president, the way we were
T.V. show?: Law and Order: SVU and Sex and the City
actor?: Kevin Spacey and George Clooney
actress?: S.J.P.
place?: NYC for fun and the Islands for vacation
board game?: MALL MADNESS!
author?: Don't really have one
book?: Lolita
quote?: "Music Box: We care...just not that much"
like it or hate it?: like it - minus the homework
colors?: Redand Gold
mascot?: Leo the Lion...Roar
grade?: sophmore
sports?: none, lol
clubs?: King's Players...that's about it
G.P.A.?: 3.5 or something of the like...I don't know.
worst class?: Well, I hated my math last semester...and I have a feeling I'm going to hate this semester's math, also.
best class?: Acting
worst teacher?: that one...shit...he looked like Michael Moore, lol
best teacher?: I love Sheileen Corbett!!!!
forgein language(s)?: took Spanish in high school...but none now
best friends?: I dunno...listing them isn't necessary...I think they know who they are
smartest?: Alison and Craig are both pretty damn smart
dumbest?: lol, probably me
nicest?: Bradford
most popular?: Kylene or Paul
most annoying?: DAN FIEGENBLATT. He's not my friend, but I HATE HIM
most honest?: Cassie
weirdest?: We're all pretty strange
most talented?: We're also all pretty talented...lol
Closest?: eh..whatever
laziest?: MEEEE
most trustworthy?: Dave
shyest?: no one is shy
do you have any friends that have moved away?: Well, Cassie went home for the summer, lol
who knows your biggest/darkest secret?: Alison, Heidi, Dave, and Cassie...probably
who picks on you the most?: Dave and Cassie...lol
what are you picked on about the most?: how I'm a nut ball, lol
who do you talk to on the phone the most?: Alison, Heidi, and Dave
who lives the closest to you?: Nick Colonna
who lives the farthest away?: CASSIE
Do you trust others easily?: sometimes
Who do you fight with the most?: no one in particular
*word association*
pidgeon :: poop
ocean :: grandmom
desperado :: the eagles
slippers :: pink
fluffy :: donald spicer
muffins :: blueberry
pig :: flying out of my ass....I just said that!!!
spoon :: dave matthews and Alanis
green :: grass
cowboy :: hat
swan :: white
apple :: pie
cupcake :: birthday
hippy :: Cass
*either or*
Batman or Superman?: Batman
chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate
Aerosmith or Rolling Stones?: Aerosmith
coins or bills?: Bills...coins are messy
McDonalds or Buger King?: Burger King
winter or summer?: summer
rock or rap?: Rock
Harry Potter or LOTR?: neither, lol
Coke or Pepsi?: Coke...diet
Red Sox or Yankees?: red socks
new or retro?: RETRO!!!
tennis or badminton?: badminton, lol
soccer or american football?: Soccer
fruits or veggies?: Fruits
Alice Cooper or Alice in Wonderland?: Ha....excuse me. Do you even need to ask? If you do...then I'll tell you I would take Alice in Wonderland any day of the week.
*would/have you ever...*
...go skydiving?: would like to
...traveled outside your home country?: yes
...had major surgery?: no
...eat a live snake?: No thank you
...had a medical emergency?: no
...get a tattoo?: I would get a little star on my foot
...get something pierced?: I have my ears
...dye your hair?: I dooooo
...worn colored contacts?: would like to
...gone on a cruise?: very fun
...drunk something disgusting?: if I have, I never would again I'm sure
...get corrective sugery?: I would
...met someone famous?: BERNADETTE PETERS! But, I'm over her
what religion are you, if any?: Roman Catholic
do you believe in the tradional concept of heaven and hell?: hhmm...to an extent
does God have a gender?: don't think so
where do we go when we die?: wherever we belong
do you believe in miracles?: I guess
ghosts?: ehh...
witches?: no
vampires?: no
angels?: sure
the Bermuda Triangle?: lol
good luck?: yes
bad luck?: yes
curses?: ehhh...
leprauchans?: lol...no
are people born good or bad?: good with the abilty to do bad
do you believe in destiny?: yes
is it possible to remain faithful forever?: if you work at it, yes.
do you believe in good and evil?: yes
do you wish on stars?:yes...I'm a loser
is war good or bad?: ugh..I don't want to talk about it
do you believe in aliens?: no
do you make a wish when you blow out you birthday candles?: Always!
*more random stuff about you*
what color is your room?: red and gold, mostly
what are your fears?: bugs
what are your goals?: to do something that I love and would be able to tell my grandfather about without being ashamed
what's your favorite flavor of gum?: wintergreen
are you going to college?: currently
hobbies?: artsy fartsy stuff
are you in a band?: no
what are you wearing right now?: a yellow tee shirt that says "dallas texas" from about 1970, and a pair of blue undies, lol
are you straight, gay, or bi-sexual?: hmm... ;-)
describe your favorite outfit:: anything with a pleated skirt, lol
do you have a journal?: I have this guy here, and a real one that I write in pretty infrequently
do you have a job?: yes - waitress...not fun
a car?: yes - black jetta
a massive CD collection?: well, I would if I kept track of them and took care of them
are you self-concious?: very much
are you independent?: to an extent
woah baby
time for church
if not, do you want to be?: