May 18, 2010 12:08
Last night, I was watching the episodes of Doctor Who where the Master becomes Prime Minister. Apart from how amazingly tight and well-written the script for 'Utopia' is (I've seen it about half a dozen times and the revelation of the Professor's watch still hasn't lost its effect), I was struck by how remarkably timely 'The Sound of Drums' is - a new Prime Minister whose electorate can't recall the specifics of his policies, merely remembering that they sounded 'quite good'; a mongrel cabinet whose leader promptly accuses of being comprised largely of pragmatic opportunists who jumped on the Saxon band wagon in pursuit of success. Come on, it's not hard to believe that David Cameron is actually the Master, is it?
And while we're about it, I'm still convinced that Paul Morley has about his person a mysterious watch containing the concealed identity of F.R. Leavis - 'The NME jounralist was a disguise so perfect that I forgot who I really was...'
Last night I got up at seven and was whizzing between Cardiff and Ystrad fulfilling various work-related tasks. I then had an hour for lunch before working in the library from two until seven, then straight to choir and home by nine. I was exhausted, but foolishly stayed up until one watching DVDs. I regret it now, as my body is grievously protesting my desire to get some work done. So far today I've tinkered with the chord structure of two songs in my latest musical venture, as well as edited the script and lyrics (i.e. deleted one speech and changed two words). I've also written this entry and copied and pasted some of my thesis from one file to another. That's it. It doesn't help that it's really sunny.