This was your most openly Welsh drama...

Jan 17, 2008 00:05

I love Russell T Davies - I want to be him when I grow up.

Today I went to Cardiff ostensibly to go to a class, although that turned out to be a bit useless (apparently, copyright libraries are useful; gosh!). But I had an amazingly nice mexican meal with my fellow students followed by a pint in a nearby pub. Then I got a surprising amount of useful reading done due to the library having the exact four books I wanted in exactly the right places on the shelves.

Then I watched the first episode of the new series of Torchwood. This left me with mixed feelings. On the one hand, it's funnier, more evenly paced and the characters are about 97% less emo than before (and in a manner that convincingly follows on from the end of the last series); and the first meeting/fight scene between captains John and Jack was great. On the other hand, I kind of liked the slower pace of the last series, I found Captain John annoying and it was really distracting that he was the only other person to appear, other than the regulars. Plus, we didn't get to hear about their little jaunt to the himalayas, about which I was dying to find out more. Still, I'm bound to admit that it's manifestly a better series. The main difference being that it takes greater pains to signal to the audience the kind of show it always was - namely, a self-consciously laughable camped-up sci-fi b-movie. So it's all good.

I then had a call from an alarmingly stressed Chris, in despair about our upcoming long weekend away - my not having a car proving difficult in plannig an affordable British holiday. But then he called back having worked out a scheme to travel to the New Forest by train and then get around alternately by bicycle and pony. Yes, we are in fact channeling the spirit of teenage Victorian girls. So sue me.

All in all, I've had a great day, and I'm exceedingly happy.
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