I love Blindside I love Blindside I love Blindside

Apr 07, 2004 17:23

Name: Sam
Birthdate: 3/27/89
Birthplace: Derry
Current location: Gilford, yuck
Eyes: really dark brown
Hair: brown
Height: 5'4/5'5
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: aries
Your heritage: Italian, Irish, english
Your weakness: music
Your shoes you wore today: adios
Your fears: other people dying
Your perfect pizza: hmmm, depends on the mood
Goal you'd like to achieve: Just to live happy I guess
Your thoughts first waking up: I'm a walking nothing in the morning...but when I am capable of thinking... my dreams i guess
Your best physical feature: my...errrrr,eyes?
Your bedtime: between 9-11
Your most missed memory: times away from gilford
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: neither
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: both
Smoke: on occasion
Cuss: umm yeah
Sing: when it cant be avoided
Take showers daily: yep
Have a crush: hes, hes perfect.
Think you've been in love: nope
Want to go college: absolutly
Want to get married: i dont know yet
Believe in yourself: when i try really really hard
Get motion sickness: sosooososos bad
Think you're attractive: no
Think you're a health freak: certainly not.
Get along with your parents: mom yes...dad...not so much
Like thunderstorms: very much
Play an instrument: i have a beautiful guitar, but i cant play it.
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall: lots of times
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: maybe not an entire one
Eaten sushi: ewwwwwwwww
Been on stage: nope
Gone skating: yeah
Made homemade cookies: nope
Gone skinny dipping: umm..that would be cold
Dyed your hair: nope, but tonight im planning on it
Stolen anything: not once
Label.seven - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yea
Been called a tease: probably, i dont have the best memory
Got beaten up: haha no
Age you hoped to be married: After I know who i am on my own and dont need a guy
Number and name of children: 2 or 3
Dream wedding: winter
How do you want to die: doesnt matter really.
Where do you want to attend college: anywhere away frmo here
Dream job: im not so sure
Country you want to visit: italy
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color: anything dark and mysterious
Best hair color: anything
Short or long hair: longggg
Height: taller then i am..which shouldnt be a problem
Best weight: doesnt really mattttter...well, doesnt matter to an extent
Best clothing: anything to reflect their personality?
Best first date location: doesnt matter really
Best first kiss location: anything cute
Number of drugs taken illegally: honestly? 1
Number of people I could trust with my life: nobody
Number of CDs that I own: not much...like 40 or something
Number of piercings: 7
Number of tattoos: not anything till im 17
Number of times my name's been in the news: a few
Number of scars on my body: like 5-6..mostly all on my hands
Number of things in my past that I regret.: quite a few

Well, I havent updated in quite a long time, and I was just sleeping, and woke up and had a sudden urge to comment...hmm, not exactly the type of normal urges, but whatever. Things lately have been good exept for a few exceptions. I've been hanging out a lot with Gabby, Craig and Bryan, <3<3<3 (hes perfect). A few other people too....nothing other than that was too exciting except for like going majorly shopping for my birthday, and seeing people. oh, and i got my hair cut, I have bangs now...and i cut my hair a few inches. I'm going to dye it back to how it was normally tonight, which I'm scared for, because I like my grown out highlights, but I'm sosoosooso bored. This sunday is easter, which is nothing special really, i cant even do much this weekend, which completly takes the fun out of a weekend...but hey. I miss Anni, she came to school with me for a day, and it was a lot of fun, and reminded me so much of when she used to go to school with us, which i mean, if i were her, i would NEVER move back to gilford...but that doesnt make me miss her less. Well, I'm done ranting about nothing.

comments would be niceeee.

Bryan <3
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