It's been awhile since I've checked in here, so here are the updates:
I'm jobless, broke, sick with the flu, and my grandmother has gone off the deep end. But enough with the depressing stuff.
I finally finished re-watching all 7 seasons of Buffy! Straight through! I've never been able to make it past 4th season before, for some reason, so bully for me! Now what to do with my life? I have to say, I was able to enjoy 7th season more this time around since I could bask in the wonderful Spike-ness without having to freak out about what Joss was going to do to him.
This Saturday is my first performance with Cairo Fusion. Please don't come unless you for some reason feel that you absolutely have to. I'm hoping that list only includes
gailadora and
ifritah, if that. It will be embarrassing with all the skin and fat and...oy.
My hair is all gone. It is very depressing.