May 21, 2007 12:05
Yesterday we finally started the very daunting (okay, more like terrifying) job of refinishing our hardwood floors in the master bedroom. A lot of home improvement projects give you the instructions online and say things like, "A lot of people hire this done, but it's so easy to do yourself, they're just stupid to spend the money!". With the floor refinishing, it's more like, "Yeah. Most people hire this done because it sucks. If you are going to attempt it, here are some instructions. But again, it might really suck.". Everything I read said things like, "If you do anything slightly wrong you could totally destroy your floors. Good luck with that." Obviously paraphrasing there, but you get the picture.
We have been putting it off since January, when we first found the floors under the carpet. The only reason we are doing it now is that if we don't, we won't be able to move out of the guest room so our friends from out of town can use it.
We kept finding ways to stall. We went and rented the equipment, then we were like, "You want lunch? We should go out for lunch." Then we went home and unloaded the equipment and moved everything out of the room, and said, "You know, I could really use some caffeine. Let's go to Starbucks! Oh, and we need a new broom, let's go to Fred Meyer!"
...Surprisingly, it's really not too bad. Of course, we were doing unfinished floors, so we didn't have a bunch of polyurethane to take off, but still. It could have been really bad.
We haven't done the varnishing yet, so there is still possible suckage ahead. I think we will probably come out of this with relatively un-destroyed floors, though.
The best part? It saved us about $400. And that's just for that room! YEA for saving money.