May 31, 2004 18:03
so i spent the weekend in long island. i had a large large amount of fun. i dont think tina had as much fun. i think sometimes that i believe i am better company than i really am. i let tina down. andrew hates me also. i let andrew down. i dont even know how. andrew and mark didnt talk to me almost the whole way home. eight hours. one time the three of us were best friends. my mom called us the three musketeers. silence gives you time to think. about all the wrong decisions you've ever made. like choosing a college based on everything but what you want to do for your life. or saying too many things you don't mean. i wrote lots in the car. writing is the only thing i can always count on. and sometimes french fries. but even those can be limpy and gross and have one end thats brown and shriveled.
also, i'm so glad i have my sister colleen. she made me laugh a lot when i got home because she tried to lock me out of her room. we took a nap. she hit me.i wore leg warmers. she yelled at me for cutting v necks in my hoodies.