The Big Brag: Group Challenge 012

Jan 14, 2013 08:30

001-005 by the brightly burning _puchula_

006-010 by the Tyger absolutelybatty

011-015 by the brightly burning dashberlin

016-020 by the Tyger deternot

021-025 by the brightly burning firstillusion

026-030 by the Tyger raiindust

031-035 by the brightly burning rocketgirl2


_puchula_ | absolutelybatty | absolutelybatty | rocketgirl2

You have brains in your head so...
1. Please credit the correct maker. You can find their wonderous identities right by their icon sets.
2. Please do not edit any of the icons you find in this post.
3. Comment if we've delighted your eyes, inspired your minds, or even if you think we could have done better. We'd love to hear from you (because no one is youer than Y-O-U).

maker: raiindust, maker: deternot, +group challenge, maker: rocketgirl2, -icons: text, -icons: b&w, -icons, maker: _puchula_, maker: dashberlin, maker: firstillusion, -icons: color, maker: absolutelybatty

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