Icon Appreciation Month - Week 1 Summary

Nov 09, 2012 11:11

Current Activities:
- A Battle of Battles: 0 submissions
- 2012 Icon Appreciation Month Awards
- Fonts, Textures and Screencaps, oh my! Resource Appreciation.
- Concave Acclaim: A curve line between concrit and praise - including both a concrit and praise meme.

Coming Up:
- A Guide to Icon Guides: Tutorials FTW. [Tutorial Appreciation Post]
- Icons Tracking System On: U-t-R Icon Maker Appreciation.

Note: Regarding Best Icon Challenge Community nominations, I wanted to clarify what the category is based on. It's been poorly worded (my mistake), but this category is for Regular icon challenge communities that have weekly or fortnightly challenges, submissions, voting and results. It is not for 20in20 communities, or for irregular communities that step outside the box in the way they handle challenges, as they would fall into the subsequent categories. I've modified the name of the category in the list of nominations in the post, and apologise for any confusion, the mistake was definitely mine here.

Monthly Schedule

+icon appreciation month

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