(no subject)

Nov 01, 2010 23:14

So on Friday I ended up heading to Anthropologie... After working myself up so much over the legwear, I just couldn't NOT go (haha, riiight). Funnily enough, the only legwear I actually bought were those cute socks with the little bow motifs. The nude tights I liked were there, but were in size S/M. I'm an inch taller than the S/M recommends, but I weigh less than the minimum on the M/Ls, so I'm not really sure which to get. I know I just hate it when the crotch of the tights is too low! What do you think? I'd rather the tights not be overstretched and thin...

Anyway I sort of blew the rest of my money on these two sweaters that were on sale! They're both very nice, one is a wool/mohair/something else blend, and the other is a wool blend. I always gravitate to outerwear - I still really need more skirts and legwear, haha. There is one skirt Anthro has that I love, but at the moment it's about $138... pass!

There was a zombie march in town on Saturday!

We both appreciated this zombie Charlie Chaplin.

These guys were very impressive - the contacts, the fake blood that looked like it was dripping, the platter of entrails and the frying pan full of blood and fingers (not pictured, but the chef is holding it)... Very cool!

Creepy zombie clown that reminds me of "It"!

It was fun - a lot of people were really into it, there were even zombie children that were very in character! One guy was running into stuff like those free magazine boxes, making a bunch of noise and acting very stupefied haha. Curtis had fun taking pictures.

Sunday was Curtis and I's anniversary! I can't believe it's been 5 years

In the morning, we went to brunch. Then, Curtis wanted to go to a sporting goods and gun store, and I wanted to run errands, so he dropped me off at the mall so I could pick up the things I needed. I got a new eyeliner - this time, instead of my usual liquid liner from MAC, I opted for a gel liner by Stila that the girl at Sephora recommended. I've been interested in gels, and I think I'll stick to them - I think I get close to twice as much product as I got in my MAC tube for the same price. I also got an angled brush and a slip from a department store. I waited around for a bit before he picked me up... I didn't know parents brought their children trick or treating in the mall! That was kind of strange...

We walked the dogs when we got home, and I brought my laptop downstairs so I could work on stuff while we watched this awful 80s horror flick. It took place on a college campus - I find it very humorous how 80s films portray college life, it seems so alien to me. Jocks and nerds? Fraternities? Do people really care about these things? The Bicentennial Man came on, which was good but kind of cheesy.

Later on, we went to one of my coworker's Halloween party. I went to his party last year as well, so I knew it was going to be good. He always has great food and decorations.

This made us chuckle

Even the bathrooms were decorated...

All in all, we had a fun time munching on the food, listening to people sing karaoke, and chatting!

I didn't decide what to be until the last minute. I threw together a vintage suede yellow A line skirt that hit below my knee, a white button up shirt, and a blue scarf and went as Princess Ann from Roman Holiday. Absolutely no one knew who I was, I got guesses ranging from "Annie Oakley" to "Little House on the Prairie." I wasn't expecting anyone to know though, so no worries. And no, I don't have pictures. I have a secret to confess - I'm not very photogenic. The pictures I take of myself usually take a bit of time with trial and error in the poses and lighting. When it comes to candids, I'm really bad! I may throw the "costume" back on later and take a picture if anyone is really interested.

Curtis and I are moving in December! We'll stay on this property, but move to the nicer place - we have an apartment at the Villages now and we'd be moving to the ~Estates~ which is clearly the ritzier place to be! Actually, Curtis took me to the Clubhouse on the property (for free coffee) on Saturday and ran into a coworker, and the two of them ganged up on me and talked me into checking out the model home! Before, I wasn't really convinced that it was really worth the price difference, but after having spent some time in them and then coming back here, I think it would be worth it. Living at the Estates comes with a bunch of amenities, plus the kitchen is nicer and they have more windows and porches/back yards.

We probably won't have time/money to do this right away, but eventually I'd love to paint the bedroom a blue similar to what we have now, but lighter, and have some scalloping towards the top! We also plan to get rid a lot of our older/junkier furniture, and I'd like to get all-white furniture for the bedroom, and white curtains, to give the room a relaxing, light feeling. We would only get a one bedroom at the Estates, so my study would go in the large walk in closet haha. I really don't have a problem with this - I'll use the built in shelves for my books so we can get rid of the old bookshelf!

Speaking of getting stuff/getting rid of stuff, I'm considering going through all of my clothes and getting rid of everything that isn't a favorite of mine. Just being really ruthless - getting rid of stuff I haven't worn, even if it's nice, to really help me get a fresh start with perking up my wardrobe. Or at least just putting it at my parent's house for a while, and then see if I still want it.

I feel like I've been somewhat frustrated with my clothes for the better part of a year - in my mind, while looks aren't the measure of a man and all of that, I think image is a window, or presentation into the person, so you may as well use it! I like to play with image, and say what I mean to say. However, I get so busy during the semester that it always just sort of goes on the backburner, and I never do get around to clearing stuff out or buying the new stuff I want to. So I think I'll just get rid of things and force myself to try something new, find new ways of using what I have. Haha I feel like whenever I'm frustrated with life generally I turn to personal styling as my release!

Here's a cool video ostensibly about Mori Girl fashion, but really about Hitomi Nomura (who, in fact, is considered a part of dolly fashion, not mori, but these are just details..). She has such a strong aesthetic, I found this to be very informative and inspirational.

image Click to view

Here are some outfit photos from the last few days:

The 29th was neutral-tastic!

Trying out socks and heels!

One of my new sweaters. It's very flowy and vaguely cape-like, I like it a lot! It's also much warmer than it looks.

Some cute socks I bought on Friday

All together. I had really wanted to wear some off-white tights instead of the socks, but I couldn't (and still can't) find them!

I really love this sweater

A detail of the Dream Castle Necklace and the sweater... I love how they match!

I pinned my hair back today. As it gets longer, it gets easier to do!

Well, I need to finish up some homework... And oh! PS: I went to Target today I found some nice tall glasses that are orange, with clear pumpkin faces printed on them, and some Halloween-themed "cozy socks" that have a strap across them like mary jane shoes... They make me feel like I'm wearing my ballet slippers all the time. Score!

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