Sex Quiz from Fred

Aug 07, 2006 15:48

Have you ever...

Had oral sex? yep
Had anal sex? um... no... that's what i have a vag for
Used more then three positions in one session? probably... wait deffinately
Devoted a whole day to sex? no

Had noise complaints from neighbors during a sex session? oh yeah all the time, not just the neighbors... the neighboring towns

Received open praise for sexual technique? on occasion
Written an erotic story? haha... look at the first entries in this blog... also Kayla and my Bararbra story
Fallen or lost balance during sex? many a time

Brought partner to climax using only hands? what girl hasn't
Brought partner to climax using only mouth? once
Had sex while totally dressed? haha... yeah on the lawn
Had sex while standing up? attempted... it's hard when there's a foot of height difference
Erotically licked feet or sucked toes? fuck no!

Had sex during a "monthly visit"? only like a million times

Used whipped cream/soft chocolate erotically? yup

Used ice erotically? can't say i have

Used hot melted wax erotically? ouch... no
Shaved your pubic hair? only like every time i shower
Used a sex toy? not in like a yearn or so
Used a vibrator? see above

Used an inanimate object (bottle, candle, hairbrush, etc.)? if you know me well enough... you know

Used an inanimate object while having sex with a partner? oh yeah...Swiss Miss... Lettuce... a cat... kinky

Obtained money or a favor for sex? like it's my job!
Paid or granted a favor for sex? i don't need to pay

Given sex in sympathy? i doubt it

Had sex with a virgin? i had sex when i was a virgin...

Ever cheated on someone? no!!!

Had sex with someone 10 years older/younger than you? um... gross... i prefer the you ones... lol

Had sex with your landlord? um... yeah i think that would be my mom...
Had sex with a teacher? best sex i ever had... thanks Mrs. Ajello-laquee
Had sex with a boss? well they are all pretty sexy
Had sex with a relative? actually i live in the north... OH BUUURN
Had sex with two members of the same family? not unless there's something they're not telling me
Had sex with twins? sam and alexis berry all the time!
Had homosexual sex? no thanks, not really my thing
Had sex with a pet? contrary to poular belief... i would NEVER!
Had sex with a farm animal? yeah... he's from England and his name is Dave

Had sex with someone the same day that you met them? no... they may be low, but i do have standards

Had sex with someone whose name you didn't know? no
Had sex with someone you never spoke to/spoke different languages? how do you have sex to someone you've never spoken to? Do you like bump into eachother on the street and just fall over and start fucking??

Had more than 10 sexual partners? how about 1/5 that many
Had more than 100 sexual partners? yeah i've had less than 10, but more that 100, duh
Had two separate sexual partners within 24 hours? no, not quite that frisky

Had a menage-a-trois? no i'm too jealous and needy
Had group sex? see above
Participated in a swap/swinging club? no but i saw it on TV once
Had two regular partners at the same time? no
Had sex in a public place? in a car
If so, where? on castle hill... is that public?
Had sex outdoors in broad daylight? haha yeah! Only briefly though... then we took it inside
Had sex on the roof of a building? no, but why not
Had sex in a stationary car? yep
Had sex in a moving car? how does this happen?
Are you a member of the mile high club? nope
Had sex outdoors at night? yeah... on the side lawn of Dave's house
Had two sexual partners at the same time unaware of each other? i don't do asshole things like that thanks

Had sex in the host's bedroom while a day guest (party/social visit)? nope

Had sex in the host's bedroom while an overnight guest? not that i recall

Had sex in a public room while an overnight guest (kitchen etc.)? no

Had sex at your office or other work area? nope
Met partner during work hours to have sex? no
Had sex in a public restroom? eww i try and spend as little time in public bathrooms as humanly possible
Had sex on public transportation? gross Fred... and nope
Had sex in a dark theatre? not even close
Had sex in the water? yup
Had sex in an elevator? not at all
Had sex in a cemetery? um... no
Had sex in a store dressing room? yeah i'm gunna have to go ahaead and and say no on that one

Used alcohol to lower resistance to sexual advances? no

Allowed yourself to be felt up by a stranger? not a complete stranger

Looked at a nude magazine? does Playboy count? i have a few of them in my room
Looked at an explicit magazine (actual sex acts)? i don't think so
Seen a live stripper? yeah!!
Seen a live sex show? no

Watched someone having sex without their knowledge? no thats gross... i'm not a character in HBO porn

Showered with a partner? a couple times
Flashed someone (breasts, genital, mooned)? haha plenty of times
Streaked with a group of six or more? no but a group of three
Stripped for someone? um... yeah lets not talk about it
Participated at a nude beach or nudist camp? only the one in my bedroom
Been the only nude person in a group of 3 or more? strip poker... i always loose
Played strip poker (or a similar game involving nudity)? who hasn't

Showered while someone watched? that's a little creepy
Masturbated? eh
Masturbated while someone watched? that would be so awkward
Masturbated for a group of three or more people? eww... who does that!?
Masturbated covertly in public? oh all the time... no
Had sex while you knew someone was watching? um... how bout no
Been walked in on while having sex? only by every member of my family apart from my dad
Walked in on someone having sex? nope
Had phone sex? maybe...
Watched a porno film with a sexual partner? many a time

Been the photographer for a nude photo? nope
Been photographed nude? no
Been photographed having sex? um... no
Been videotaped having sex? had it suggested... quickly turned it down... no thought involved

Watched a regular sexual partner having sex with someone else? no... i'd strangle that bitch
Role-played a sexual situation? no... to weird
Taken part in transvestism? what? is that a word?
Used a blindfold during sex? too paranoid
Used handcuffs during sex? also too paranoid
Inflicted pain during sex? not purposely...
Received pain during sex? haha... OUCH!... Shhhh...
Used nipple clips? no
Used sex dice? yeah i think i got "Tease" and "Toes"
Used whip, chains, cat-o-nine tails, etc.? all at once of course
Received an electric shock during sex? oh yeah all the time
Drawn blood (scratched, bit)? oops
Auto-erotic strangulations? HAHAHAHA.... i just find the fact that it's common enough that there's a scientific name for it to be highly amusing
Pierced your genitals or nipples? no thanks
Continued sex until raw or bleeding? raw maybe, but it was an allergic reaction
Do you do dead people? um i CAN... would I? no
so did this get you horny? yeah you bet, especially that last question about the dead people... man i'm creaming my jeans with excitement
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