Rabble Rabble Rabble

Sep 14, 2005 18:11

South Park fans will understand the subject...

Ok, so me avoiding politics is like a fat kid turning down cake: its hard, very, very hard. If you don't want to talk politics, skit the following two paragraphs (unless you desire to educate yourself).

First off, and this is all I'm going to say about the issue, to hell with the left wing liberals, Bush is not personally to blame, everyone is at fault, from the mayor on up the chain, and if you think other wise, do your reasearch and become educated, because this Bush-hating crap are cries from the uneducated and intellectually devoid. Search for the New Orleans disaster plan, specifically that for evacuations. According to their evacuation plan, the MAYOR is to order every bus in the city (school bus, commuter bus and commercial bus) to assist in the evacuation of those without means of evacuation (those without a car). Did this happen? Do the research and then come argue with me, there is more and if you can't find it, and still disagree with me, contact me and I'll direct you toward the information so that you may become educated before dueling with me on a mental platform.

Ok, done with that, next point. The appointment of Chief Justice Roberts (it's gonna happen, the liberals won't get their way and they'll cry when they do). I don't agree with making abortion illegal either, but lets face it, with his experiance (once again, get educated before comming to duel with me) and you can see that there is no one better suited for the position. He served as a lawyer taking cases infront of the SC, and he served as a clerk under the late Judge Rehnquist. Do the research, he is qualified (come on, Bush is actually doing well by this appointment).

Done with politics...

Anyway, life is treating me very well, school is good, work is good and my relationship has never been better. I'm actually excited to be back in school, studying at a real school, under real professors and learning real knowledge that will help me in my carreer (after all, read the last 2 paragraphs, I'm finally back into politics).

Work is getting more interesting. I have a new manager, she seems nice enough, and we are getting ready to take on a huge project. You see, a while back, Midland paid to have me and the other members of my team licensed as Insurance Agents, and now I'm going to get to put it to use. We are going to start writing policies and handeling our own 2 books of business (a group of policies that are similar in what type they are and how they come to our company). So this is seeming really exciting.

Lastly, but most importantly, Mel and I are doing great!!! I really don't think we've ever been closer and that we have ever loved each other as much as we do now. This is really exciting me as I prepare to pop the question in some unspecified amount of time (Skittle, don't get excited). I love that young women so much, and with each passing day I love her more and more.

Ok, so as usual, this thing is incredibly lengthy, so I'll bring this diatribe to an end, and bid you all good mosh pitting.

- W. Mutt
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