✕ Ⅳ. lost rabbit - [Video/Action]

May 03, 2010 16:55

[--What's this? Something seems to be coming in view, after the mirror had dropped to grass by her feet that is. It shows a very displeased Alice, a murderous intent in her eyes. Though the sight of her isn't exactly good, blood seems to be seeping from her side, nevermind what appears to be dried blood on other parts of her outfit. Looking fairly exhausted as well, no matter the strong front she holds at the moment.]

ーUnder the charges of first being within Childreams territory at the time of the Jubjub Bird attack, engaging the Jubjub Bird in battle, having had been running with another Foreigner till now as though to help escape charges, resisting arrest, eating large portions of meat with the timezone of 2:00 and 3:00, including having amnesia of your past and containing no memo-

I'm sick of you rambling! I don't care what the hell you're talking about- however, standing in my way of getting to Oz's side means you wish for your death!

[In a flash, it might either be impressive or shocking to see a small puny girl her size wield such a large scythe that's two or three times bigger. Much less even swing it, but she's shooting towards the solider who attempts to stand his guard.]

HALT! Attempting to engage in battle now brings you to the penalty of execution!

[Her movements are getting slow though, and she's staggering.]


[--fee cut.]

[pandora hearts] alice

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