Essay: Fukiya Yuma and Split (Not Really) Personalities

Sep 14, 2006 22:09

Yuma can sometimes be a little strange to play, because of how little canon she gets. But it comes down to this: she has two basic personalities that she uses. She can switch back and forth between them depending on what's going on. Canon...doesn't exactly support this, but it does give hints towards it.

The first personality is the one Yuma greets people with. Bouncing, happy, giggling fangirl who squeals over people and puts them innadress. Freaks out when camp does crazy crap to her or to people she likes/loves. Rambles on about things that don't actually make sense. A large part of this is real--Yuma's usually quite happy with her afterlife, she does love fashion, etc. But at the same time, it's her way of protecting herself. She doesn't want people to genuinely worry about her, so she gets silly and lighthearted. She and Saya build on it off of each other, too, which is why the two of them seem pretty much on crack when together.

Yuma's second personality is a very serious one, and it comes out in situations that are business, combat, shinigami affairs, or extreme worry about somebody. Or little children in distress, because she's seriously weak to them. It's a quieter, solemn side of her, and if she's sweet or sincere, it's more...genuine while she's like that, I suppose. Otherwise, the gist of it is that she doesn't fool around or talk nonsense. Hisoka's already seen this happen when they got to talking about the past, once--she gets nostalgic and kind of sad. THANKS A LOT, EMPATH. XD

The worst part is that she can bounce from one to the other in the course of a thread, because yeah, certain people in camp can press her buttons without even knowing it. And then she bounces back, usually really fast.

What causes this? Issues. No shinigami is ever comfortable with the job they have, unless they're absolutely batshit. And to become a shinigami in the first place, you have to have some sort of really strong tie to the living world. Which, for every one of them we've seen backstory for, has meant something that causes a truckload of angst. I seriously doubt Yuma or Saya are exceptions to the rule, and all of the YnM cast deal with it in their own way. That's hers.
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