Feb 26, 2001 22:27
Dear Diary,
well today was a relatively good day. Almost fell asleep in espanol class again. In science I saw Gared OMG HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The way he dresses is just fabulous one day he'll be wearing sweaters and nice slacks and then the next he'd be all punked out with a converse and a slipknot shirt he is so different and smart I dunno. . Im getting kinda pissed of at Christina though. . . She wants me to be " nice" and sweet to Lisa but lemme tell ya something about that bitch she's a phony. After those mean emails I could not be nice to her. I can mabey manage cordial but nothing else. Besides Christina hates Whitney for no resonable reason so until she stops being such a hypocrite I won't consider her little act of "kindness". well today we were supposed to work on our power point presentation and guess who ran off to do pot. YUP ya know who. I guess i know she does it but I didnt think she would leave her responsiblities for pot. Sometimes I wish she just would stop I mean its not doing her anygood and I think she would be a better and happier person if she did. OMG I can not stand Lewis and that heinous girl crystal she is so obnoxious and replusive. She acts so superior and haughty. I know its probably because she has insecurites or whatever but I mean common don't ya think shes a little old for her little tantrums. Oh well I know theres nothing going on between Lewis and her but I cant help to think that he values her friendship more than mines I wouldnt mind it somuch but I just rate Lewis very highly on my list. :( My goal is to just get over this whole petty jealously thing I'm a mature 14 year old and should not be bothered by such an insugnificant situation. . . well time to sleep (not that i do i have bad insomnia)