Made in Photoshop Cs2
Uses Selective Colouring
Duplicate your base and set to screen (optional)
New Adjustment layer, Selective Colour -
Reds: -100 +100 +17 +100
Yellows: +100 -100 +59 +100
Neutrals: +35 +14 -39 -22
Blacks: -20 0 -20 +26
New Adjustment Layer, Selective Colour -
Reds: -100 +62 +43 +26
Yellows: -100 -76 -80 0
Cyans: +100 -100 +100 +76
Blues: +90 -57 -34 -8
New Adjustment Layer, Hue/Saturation -
Master Saturation = +20
New Adjustment Layer, Brightness/Contrast -
Brightness = -10
Contrast = +10
Add a new layer, fill with, #E9D7C1, set to Multiply, 100%
You can add a notebook texture (set to Multiply) and a scratchy texture (set to Screen) if you like. I got my notebook texture from
xswaniconsx and I can't remember where the scratchy texture came from, sorry.
Other icons made using this tutorial :-