I my madness, I'm going to try to participate in NanoWriMo this year, unofficially and not quite according to the rules. I've been picking at the sequel to
Tectonic Shift for months now with little progress, so I am going to attempt to use NanoWriMo as a way to get it done. So it'll be Star Trek fanfic for me this time around, and I probably won't make the 50K word mark since I'm cheating by using a story I've already started. I'll aim in that direction, though, and keep the November words in a file separate from the earlier wordage. The idea is to finish this fic, no matter how many words it takes. It should be an interesting experiment, since it forces the critic to shut up while I write, which she never does. But I did manage about 1400+ words yesterday, so so far, so good. If it goes well, I may try NanoWriMo properly next year.
Also, have any of you tried this writing tool:
Write or Die? I tried it out yesterday and got 1000 words out of it. Pretty useful.