I was going to write an emo!post, but I've decided to rec some Who fic instead. It's a mixed bag - some kid!fic, some threesome fic, some slash, some humor, a couple of interesting crossovers. Many of these are adult fics, and I've listed the fics by the ratings their authors used. Please heed the warnings of the authors as well before you start reading, just in case I missed something.
Doctor Who/Torchwood
Chaos Theory in Vortex Orbits in Relative Dimensions in Time and Space by
earlgreytea68 (Ten/Rose, Jackie, OCs, Teen.)
Summary: And then there came a day when Rose said she was having a baby. Hijinks ensue from there. Through the end of S2, but also AU.
Why: I have a confession to make. I have a kid!fic addiction. Not in the other fandoms I've been in, just in Doctor Who. Doesn't make it any better, I know, but I love a good kid!fic, and this is one of them. Fantastic writing, great characterizations, and a great job with rewriting S2 without exactly rewriting it.
And that One Time… by
lightgetsin (Jack/Rose/Nine, NC-17.)
Summary: Five adventures Captain Jack teases Rose and the Doctor about later.
Why: Also, I have a Doctor/Rose/Jack addiction. And this one is funny and hot.
Five Times Rose, Jack, and the Doctor Took Their Clothes Off also by
lightgetsin (Jack/Rose/9, Jack/Rose/10, NC-17.)
Summary: What it says on the tin.
Why: See reason for above, though less funny and more hot.
Fuzzy by letterblade (Jack/Rose, with a background Nine/Jack/Rose, R.)
Summary: "Touching. Brushing up against the surface of each other's minds, like skin against skin. Letting the fuzzy parts go together."
Why: Because no one takes their clothes off and it's still hot.
At Thirty Paces (Doctor/Jack/Rose, Doctor/Jack, Light R.)
Summary: They held each other, at a distance.
Why: This is a Doctor/Jack/Rose, but with a sad sort of twist.
The Top Five by funmonkey (The Doctor and Jack, Teen.)
Summary: The Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness, in a dive at the arse-end of the galaxy, sink ever deeper into their drinking trousers...
Why: Because Jack figures out where the ceiling is. And number four.
June 30th by annlarimer (Teen, Doctor Who/Hot Fuzz)
Summary: "I have a sword, and I'm really quite angry." SPOILERS: Minor riff on "The Fires of Pompeii"
Why: It's Doctor Who/Hot Fuzz. Good crossovers are good.
The Art and Craft of Shutting Up by letterblade (Jack Harkness/Tony Stark - Torchwood/Iron Man, NC-17 with some BDSM.)
Summary: Tony Stark gets a lot of unexpected visitors these days.
Why: No, you didn't read that pairing wrong. It's different, and though I wouldn't have necessarily pictured Tony Stark in a slash pairing, I bought it in this fic.
And that's all I have bookmarked at the moment. Enjoy!