My life story - Part 9

Aug 07, 2004 08:42

The twenties:
Well time went by and things started changing. I hadn't hung out with my old friends in a while and spring break was coming up. Everyone decided that we should all get a condo in Galveston. All together there was about 7 of us. All I can remember was having a horrible time. Everyone that I had been friends with for years was still doing to same things we did when we were 16. Not that I'm the most responsible person ever, but damn I hate pot-heads. They all talk really slow and refer to everything as "Bad Ass". Food is "bad ass". Music is "bad ass". Why is everything "bad ass"? Once we left there it was back to Austin. Just leaving there was great. We didn't have anything to look forward to other than not being around those people. Once we got there we found out Mest and Unwritten Law were playing in San Antonio. So we got our tickets and ran out there. Now that was a lot better time than we had been having. One down side was the fact that some chick kept hanging on my shoulder and it was pissing off my girlfriend. She pushed her a couple of time, but nothing really happened. All and all the show was pretty good. I don't like Mest any more and my opinion of Unwritten Law has gone down, but that show was good.

Well that was just an example of the way our relationship went. Not to exciting so I'll skip ahead.

A couple of years go by and we've started fighting over every little thing. One of us would start a fight over nothing. The next time the same thing happen only vise versa, we'de start a fight just to prove a point, as if we were going to teach each other a lesson. With time the only lesson learned was we could no longer be together. We fought so many times that we felt too much resentment to ever hold back when we fought. (Her words). The day came when I should have ended it for good. She was walking around and everything I said, she had a negative thing to say about it. I said I had enough and I was leaving. I started packing my shit and she starts helping without saying a word(Just to be a bitch). So she starts following me around everywhere as if I were going to steal some of her shit. I get all my shit packed and I have to go borrow a truck from my dad to move everything back to Houston. So I leave and say I'll be back the next day. We end up talking and she starts crying and says she doesn't want it to be over so we say we're just going to take a break. I've already bought concert tickets for a show at the end of the month.

So we havn't seen each other in a month. I havn't done anything except work the whole time, so I'm looking forward to my vacation that I've had planned the whole time. She calls me crying the day I was supposed to come down and says she likes things the way they are and she would like to stay on a break. The same fucking day I'm supposed to come down. The reason she had to do it that day was so she could go to a party that night. So I'm a little upset but not to bad. We decided I would come up a couple of days later for the concert. I felt like something was wrong the whole way there. I get there and she is still asleep. What gave her away that she had done something was the fact that she jumped right up to hug me. We'de been going out for three years and she never jumped up when she was asleep. So she hugs me and asks why I didn't hug her back. I didn't say anything. I held back on asking if she'd done anything because I didn't want to be bothered before the concert. Another thing that pissed me off was the fact that we went out to dinner and she let me pay. Just before we are supposed to leave, I can't hold back anymore. I ask what she's done. "Nothing, I don't know why you'de even think that". I'm persistent and she keeps trying to deny it. Finally I ask if she's done anything that would bother me? She finally says YES.
I ask what? She says she kissed another guy at the party. The fucking vacation day that we were supposed to be together. I feel kinda sick and a cold feeling shots though out my body. I try to stay calm, but I have to leave. She apologizes and then tries to say it was the day she broke up with me. (Does it really make anything better being the same fucking day). I said I didn't care and left. She kept trying to call me and I kept hanging up on her. Eventually I answered and I was no longer calm.

"That's all I have to say about that" Forrest Gump
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