Good Bye.

Dec 11, 2004 00:27

I feel...seriously lost. I'm in a phase where I'm still holding on to my past. Convincing myself that things are fine and that things are okay. When obviously they are not. Why do I let people step all over me? I assume the best in people, when people are full of shit. I'm feeling 34683463298 emotions right now. I don't understand why I do this. I need to let it go. But it seems so much easier to keep holding on and making excuses for it. I hate trying to be strong because it makes me realize how weak I really am. "Why can't i ever be sure of the decisions i make?" I keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. It's just so much easier to avoid the truth. But the truth can be only buried for so long, until it comes out and haunts you. I'm just so tired of this endless cycle of regret. One regret after another. I don't think its fair to me that you keep doing this to me. I can't be just your friend. Our relationship doesn't work that way. My friend is right, we can't just be friends because friends respect one another. But you obviously don't. So I want to end this note here. I'm not going back to you anymore. I'm over it. Good Bye.

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