(no subject)

Mar 05, 2005 22:22

Melissa isn't feeling too good today - prayer for her would be good. I'm claiming full healing of the infection in my body. I'm now only in the runny nose stage of a cold. It's all thanks to God, nothing else. Good work God!

Work was good today. I found out another co-worker is a Christian. That's so awesome. That's what I loved so much about working at the Home Depot in Eugene; knowing that I had a ton of Christian co-workers. Granted there were plenty who weren't, but there were a lot who were. It was nice, really nice.

At work I laughed so hard at this book I'm reading (Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right; by Al Franken). It was hilarious. So hilarious I'm going to have to re-type what I was lauging at. I hope Mr. Franken, or his publisher, doesn't mind. If they do then I'll gladly remove it from this post.

I'm not sure how many people out there know who, "Hanity and Colmes" are, seeing how most people are age don't seem to care a whole about politics, so for those of you who don't know, they are these two guys who have a show on Fox News (AKA: The Axis of Evil News Network). Hanity is a right wing crazy-man and colmes is a centerist democrat. Hanity wrote a book called, "Let Freedom Ring," and in the book he kept on saying that Bill Clinton was gutting our military. Al Franken put it in the book i'm reading, and here is what it looks like:

Comparison of Defense Budgets

Reagan-Bush (1986) Clinton-Gore (1996)
New Tanks Requested in Presidents Budget: 840 0
New Tatical Aircraft... 399 34
New Navel Ships... 40 6

Colmes says, "Did Clinton gut the military because there was no evidence that countries like Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and an increasingly aggressive Communist China would represent serious future threats to America and our friends and allies? No. Rather, it was because he loathed the military" - Sean Hannity, Let Freedom Ring

So, if you were to look at that graph it would be easy to agree that he gutted the military; right? WRONG! There wasn't a need for any new tanks, aircraft, or ships. The cold war was over - duh!?!

Here is the graph with Bush Jr. added in:

Comparison of Defense Budgets

Reagan-Bush (1986) Clinton-Gore (1996) Bush Jr. (2002)
New Tanks Requested in Presidents Budget: 840 0 0
New Tatical Aircraft... 399 34 58
New Navel Ships... 40 6 5

So, Bush actually didn't increase the military any either. And let's keep in mind that when we swept Afganastan of it's feet it was with Clinton's military. Bush's military budget hadn't been put into effect yet. It was still months off from even getting approval, let alone being put into action.

Well, this isn't what made me laugh so hard. Actually, the above wasn't even that funny, it's the graph Franken made. Here it is:

Comparison of Defense Budgets

Lincon (1864) Reagan (1984)
New Horses Requested in Presidents Budget: 188,718 3

Then Franken said, "Why did Reagan gut our military? Was it because there was no evidence that the Soviet Union represented a threat to America and our friends and allies? No. It was because Ronald Reagan loathed our military."

The horse graph had me laughing so insanely hard. It was just so hillarious. I still laugh just looking at it; it's hilarious.

Well, before I go, I'd like to quote a book called, "Those Who Tresspass," by Bill O'Reilly. He's also on Fox News, and another fine example of the hypocracy I think we should expell from the modern media. This is what he said about Ludacriss being in a Pepsi Commerical,

"I'm calling all responsible Americans to fight back and punish Pepsi for using a man who degrades women, who encourages substance abuse, and does all the things that hurt particularly the poor in our society. I'm calling for all Americans to say, Hey Pepsi, I'm not drinking your stuff. You want to hang around with Ludacris, you do that, I'm not hanging around with you."

Here is the quote from his book I leave you with,

"Ashley was now wearing only brief white panties. She had signaled her desire by removing her shirt and skirt, and by leaning back on the couch. She closed her eyes, concentrating on nothing but Shannnon's toungue and lips. He gently teased her by licking the areas around her most sensitive erogenous zone. The he slipped her panties down her legs and, withing seconds, his tongue was inside her, moving rapidly."
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