Mar 16, 2006 14:40
it lifts you back up again!!!
Guess who got a job?! Me!
Not a "real" job, more like a part-time/help me save up so I can move out job. But! It's at the mall in Guest Services AND I get to do visual merchandising in all the individual RMU's (retail merchandise units) throughout the mall!!!!!!! Omg! I'm excited. It pays just a little over $8 an hour, which is fine for now, and will totally give me more experience/padding on my resume! W00t!!11!!11!!
But omg, I've been jobless since DECEMBER and thought no one would hire me since I graduate in May. Of course I fibbed, saying I'd be going on to get my Masters...and it's not to say that I'm leaving immediately after I graduate because, well, I'm not...but I do intend to move out of Topeka within the next 8-9 months. So yeah. We'll cross that bridge when we get there, right? Right.
And now my thoughts on American Idol:
Bye BYE Melissa! Good riddance. I couldn't stand your horsey face and 70 year old smoker's voice anyway.
I've been voting for Taylor and Chris, btw. They need to go all the way because they rule and yes.
I saw Lance for .5 seconds in the audience the other night and squee'd like I'd lost my mind. Lanth!
Now I go. Ta-ta!