so, finally, there's another chapter for this story! and it's only taken me, what, three months? not that that's anything new...
previous chapter 10
The next morning Harry wakes up suddenly and immediately begins looking for Ron. He searches for a while and finally finds him in the Great Hall. Harry runs over to him and stands next to him, too excited and bouncy to sit.
Harry: Ron! I’ve had an epi... epin...epina...
Harry gets frustrated because he can’t remember the word he wants to use and sits down to think.
Ron: Epiph-
Harry: NO! Don’t tell me! I can figure it out on my own!
Harry thinks for a few more minutes.
Harry: Epiphany! That’s the word! Ron, I’ve had an epiphany!
Ron: Oh, and what would that be?
Harry: Well, you remember the door that wouldn’t open last night?
Ron: Yeah...
Harry: I was thinking about it last night before it went to sleep and noticed that it reminded me a lot of the door at Gringotts that the goblin opened for Hagrid.
Ron: Ok, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Harry: Oh, right, I didn’t tell you that story.
Harry tells Ron the story about his trip to Gringotts with Hagrid.
Harry: So, anyway, that door we found last night reminded me of the one at the bank. When I thought of that it became obvious to me that...
Harry pauses. Ron waits for him to continue.
He doesn’t continue.
Ron: Became obvious that, what?
Harry: Huh?
Ron: You were telling me about the door.
Harry: Oh, right,. I forgot what I was going to say.
Ron: Why don’t you think about it while I finish eating.
Harry: Ok.
Harry thinks while Ron eats. He remembers what he wanted to say just as Ron gets done.
Harry: Oh, I remember now!
Ron: Good! What is it?
Harry: It became obvious to me that whatever Hagrid took out of Gringotts must be locked under the door that we couldn’t open.
Ron: Oh.
Ron is thoughtful for a moment.
Ron: Yeah, that logic actually does make sense.
Harry smiles.
Harry: Yay! That means I’m smart!
Harrry’s attitude suddenly changes and his smile is gone.
Harry: Oh, wait, that’s now a good thing. If I’m smart, that means I’m like Hermione.
Harry begins panicking.
Harry: Ron, quick, help me get rid of the Hermione-ness!
Ron: tries to change the subject to prevent his friend from having a full-out panic attack.
Ron: So, when are we going back to the forbidden third floor corridor?
Harry is still panicking.
Harry: I don’t know! Why are you asking me stupid questions? You have to help me-
Harry stops panicking.
Harry: Ron, I don’t know the answer to your question! That means I’m not like Hermione! You’ve cured me! I’m so relieved.
Harry hugs Ron, then relaxes and eats breakfast.
Ron’s Thoughts: Well, that wasn’t exactly the reaction I was expecting. I guess I shouldn’t complain, though. At least he’s calmed down. He gets worked up over the strangest things. I’m glad I’m not that weird...
Harry and Ron are sitting at breakfast, being ignored by Hermione. The mail arrives and startles Harry.
Harry: Ahh!
Ron: What?
Harry: Oh, it’s just the mail.
Ron: How can you still be surprised by the mail every day?
Harry: I don’t know. Maybe I have some kind of disease that causes me to be easily startled by birds.
Ron: But you don’t act like that when you’re around Hedwig.
Harry: Maybe it’s just strange birds that make me react that way.
Ron: Oh.
The boys continue eating until a group of owls drops a large package in front of Harry. Ron screams.
Harry: Ha! You were the one that got scared this time!
Ron: Only because I didn’t expect to almost get killed by a giant package.
Harry: Oh, right, giant package. I wonder what it is?
Ron: Open it and find out.
Harry opens the package.
Harry: Woohoo! It’s a broom!
Everyone turns their attention to Harry to see hid new broom. McGonagall jumps up and yells at Harry.
McGonagall: Harry! You weren’t supposed to open that here! Didn’t you read the note?
Harry looks up at McGonagall, confused.
Harry: What note?
McGonagall: The note that came with that broom that told you not to open it in front of everyone.
Harry looks down at the table and sees no note.
Harry: There isn’t any note here.
McGonagall: What do you mean there’s no note?
Harry was about to answer his professor, but was instantly distracted, along with everyone else, as a lone owl then flew into the Great Hall, swerving and loosing altitude until it finally crashed onto the table in front of Harry. Harry picked up the letter it had dropped while Ron picked up the bird.
Ron: Why was it acting so odd?
Harry: I have no idea.
Ron inspected the owl closer and found that it smelled strongly of alcohol.
Ron: It’s drunk?
Harry: Drunk? How would an owl get drunk?
Ron: I don’t know.
Harry turns away from Ron to look back at McGonagall.
Harry: It’s ok, the mystery of the missing note has been solved. The owl was drunk; that’s why it didn’t get here on time.
McGonagall: Drunk? How would an owl get drunk?
Harry is slightly annoyed by the question.
Harry: How would I know? You’d have to ask the owl.
McGonagall: Oh, well, anyway, there’s nothing that can be done about it now. Hurry up and get that up to your room before someone tries to steal it, Harry.
Harry grabs his broom and he and Ron leave the Great Hall.
Harry opens the door to the Entrance Hall and is immediately blinded by something.
Harry: Ahh, my eyes!
Harry squints and shields his eyes from the light. With some difficulty, he realises that his temporary blindness is cause by an article of clothing.
Harry: Dear God, Malfoy! Did you sit up all night sewing extra sequins on that thing?
Draco glances around shiftily before answering.
Draco: Of course not. Why would you ask something like that?
Harry: Because right now it feels like I’m living inside a disco ball rather than just looking at one.
Draco glares and changes the subject.
Draco: Why do you have a broom?
Harry: Because I’m special and you’re not.
Draco: I’m just as special as you!
Harry: No, you’re not. You suck and no one likes you.
Draco stands in silence for a moment before bursting into tears and running away.
Ron: How many times have you made him cry now?
Harry: Um, four, I think.
Ron: doesn’t he realise that that’s what will probably happen every time he confronts you from now on?
Harry: Apparently not.
The boys continue on their way.
Harry is heading to the Quidditch field. On the way he encounters a squirrel and attempts to engage it in conversation. The squirrels chatters at him for a few seconds, gets bored, and starts chewing the bark off of a tree.
Harry arrives at the stadium and enters. He sits down to wait for Wood.
Harry still sits in the stands, waiting.
Harry hears a noise and looks up to see Wood finally arriving for their practice.
Harry: Wood! Where have you been? It’s 7:30 already, and if I don’t leave here by eight then I won’t be able to get all of my homework done and get to bed at a decent time. Don’t you know that it’s rude to cause people to lose sleep?
Harry glares at Wood from his place in the stands. Wood begins to apologize.
Oliver: Oh, um, sorry about that. I was-
Harry suddenly grins and leaves his seat to join Wood on the field.
Harry: Ok, then. Since this is your first offense, and you apologized, I’ll let you off. Now, let’s start this practice.
Wood is quite confused by Harry’s abrupt change of attitude, but chooses not to question it lest it revert back to it’s former state.
Oliver: Alright. Since you obviously have important business to attend to, I’ll make this as short as I can.
Wood opens the trunk he has with him and points out the different balls.
Oliver: The red one is the Quaffle, the black ones are Bludgers, and the little gold one is the Snitch. On the team there are three Chasers who play with the Quaffle. Their purpose in the game...
Harry’s Thoughts: Wow, this is boring. It was a lot more interesting when Ron was explaining it to me on the train. Wait, Ron explained it to me on the train. I already know all of this stuff, that’s why it’s so boring! Oh, well I guess it’s a good thing I already knew it since he looks like he’s done explaining.
Oliver: So are you ready for some practice?
Harry: Yep.
Harry and Wood practice until Harry realises that he needs to leave, or his entire schedule will be off for days.
Harry sits in Charms class with Seamus, trying to make a feather fly.
Harry’s Thoughts: Why is this so difficult? I don’t want it to be difficult. Anyway, this spell should recognize that I’m famous and choose to not be difficult for me. Oh, look, Ron and Hermione are arguing again. That’s always entertaining.
Harry is distracted from his own work to watch Hermione do the spell perfectly and Ron get upset about it. When he sees that that will be the extent of the fight, and Ron and Hermione are obviously not going to start beating each other down, he gets bored and remains focused on his own work for the rest of class.
Harry and Ron sit down at the table and immediately begin eating. After a few minutes Harry notices that Hermione isn’t there.
Harry: Her, do you know where Hermione is?
Ron looks up from his plate at Harry.
Ron: She’s not here?
Harry: Well obviously not if I just asked you if you knew where she was.
Ron: Oh, right.
Harry is silent for a while, thinking about what could have happened to Hermione. He suddenly looks terrified and turns to Ron.
Harry: You don’t think she was kidnapped by the CIA, do you?
Ron: What’s the CIA?
Harry ignores Ron and starts listing all of the horrible things that could have happened to Hermione if she was kidnapped by the CIA. He also ignores the tapping on his shoulder until it becomes so annoying that he turns around to yell at the person to leave him alone while he is worrying about his friend’s life. He quickly decides not to get angry, though, when he sees who it is.
Harry: Hermione!
Harry then hugs her so tightly that she begins to turn blue from lack of oxygen.
Hermione: Can’t... breathe...
Harry lets go of her.
Harry: Where were you? We were so worried about you. Were you kidnapped by the CIA?
Hermione: No, I was not kidnapped by the CIA. Actually, I don’t really know where I was. The last thing I remember was being really angry at Ron because he was being stupid in Charms and wouldn’t do the spell right. I may have been so angry that I lost control of my magic and actually cause myself to go “Nowhere.” Either that, or I was so mad that I caused myself to black out. I just remember it was really dark for a while. Anyway, the next thing I knew I was back in the Charms room and it was time for the feast to start, and now I’m here.
Hermione sits down and begins to eat with everyone else.
Harry: Oh. Well, that doesn’t seem very exciting.
Hermione: No, it wasn’t, really.
They continue eating and talking about random things until Quirrel bursts into the Great Hall and screams something about a troll being loose in the castle. Everyone is ordered back to their common rooms. Harry, Ron, and Hermione follow the prefects back to Gryffindor Tower like the obedient children they are.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione sit in a corner of the room, listening to a group of third year students talking about their missing friends. Suddenly the door to the common room opens and three students walk in.
Random Third Year Student: Barry, Don, Harmony! Where have you been?
Barry: Well, just before Quirrel ran into the Great Hall and told everyone about the troll, Harmony had left to use the bathroom. Since she didn’t hear about it, I told Don to come with me to find her. When we got to the girls’ bathroom the troll was already in there, and Harmony was trapped. Long story short; I managed to knock the troll out and save her.
After the tale of the troll is over, the group of third years moves to a different part of the room and Harry, Ron, and Hermione can no longer hear them.
Ron begins to laugh. Harry and Hermione join him.
Ron: Wow, was it just me, or did it seem like that Barry guy had a major hero-complex?
Harry: Oh, definitely. And the girl, Harmony, why did she need to be ‘saved’ in the first place? I mean, come on, they’re in the same year and know the same magic. She should have been helping them.
Hermione: She was probably so scared that she forgot how to move. How pathetic!
The trio goes on making fun of the other students and how pathetic they are until the wee hours of the morning, when they finally decide to get some sleep before they have to leave for class.
ok, that's all for now. hopefully i'll get the next chapter up before the next three months pass... leave a comment and encourage me to write?