Jan 23, 2005 15:18
i don't know why i want to write about forgivness right now but i feel like know one really nows the meaning of it or the meaning to ask for forgivness to be exact. it's seems like people think if they say they are sorry then they can go on with life doing the same things they were doing before they said they were sorry. so what would be the porpose of the apology? it's like breaking a promise to yourself and to the people you asked forgivness from.
i'm not saying we all have to be perfect and never to do the things we do ever again because that would be living a sinless life and know one can do that except when Jesus did it a long time ago. but now it seems like the word i'm sorry means nothing to people but to make themselves feel better. lately it seems that people feel like they can do this to God, they think that they can commit all the sins they want but as long as they say they are sorry and they can go back to the life were they do the same things they did before. doesn't asking for forgivness involve some kind of change? like if you promised yourself to quit smoking wouldn't you have to stop smoking for the plan to be sucessful. people do the same thing when they want to feel better about their sins, they like the idea of being forgiven but they don't like the idea of the change that comes with it. and when i say change i mean when they actaully have to stop doing what they were sorry for.also another example is if someone walked up to you and spit in your face and then apologized and then walked back 5 minutes later and spit in your face again, wouldn't you feel angry, frustrated and disappointed in the person that apologized. we do this do God all the time, and i'm really surprised that God has put up with us so long, if i were in Gods postition (and i'm so glad i'm not) i would have given up on the human race centurys ago. this is were i am really amazed by his patience and understanding of us and i guess thats why i'm so mad at all the asking for forgivness stuff because God has given us so much and all we have to say to his kindness is would you like me to spit on you again. and i know we can never achieve being sinless but shouldn't we try to be better to ensure God that we are thankful for all that he has given us, i think it is the least we can do. i mean wouldn't you want to be better for someone who has given you so much?