Jul 04, 2007 23:40
AZ Adam Zurbruegg
GW Geoff Waltz
IS Ian Sullivan
JS Jim Sandor
MP Mike Poma
MR Mike Rosenthal
9:20am wakeup
9:35am IS and MR arrive
9:54am pregame poop
10:05am “Sandor stands up”
10:12am Still haven’t started
10:16am AZ or SS decides to ring their doorbell
10:17am “If you give Sandor a chocolate donut, Sandor wants a glass of milk.” -IS
10:23am “This Pink Floyd shirt’s getting caked in weed dust. Very appropriate.”
10:31am Josh leaves
11:00am AZ joins us
11:04am SS joins us
11:09am DARTH MAUL appears
11:10am “Lucas loves the wipes.”-AZ “I HATE THE WIPES!” - IS
11:12am IS goes off about how “gangster” Padme is, uses word “gangster” 8 times
11:13am Watto appears “I love Jewish stereotypes.” - GW
11:26am IS is way too excited about this.
11:31am “You want me to state my sources, it’s Theforce.net.”-IS
Do you realize that 20 years from now, people are gonna be baffled by the fact that Lucas made 4 through 6 and then waited 20 years to make the first 3? That’s dumb.
11:32am AZ discovers diary
11:33am “DMaul! I see you Darth!” - IS
12:02pm IS speculating Jedi bedroom habits. “They wake up at 3, he’s like mad naked. He’s about banging Padme, dude.”
12:04pm “Coruscant is a groovy idea.” -IS
12:17pm Mitichlorions: EXPOSITION!
12:19pm GW’s Brian Blessed lovefest, even though Boss Nass isn’t around.
12:32pm Duel of the Fates!!!
12:34pm AZ and SS leave
12:39pm This movie would have been 10x better if they used all the time spent on Jar Jar on Darth Maul.
12:45pm IS and GW come up with a better way for Maul’s death to play out.
12:51pm End of Episode I
12:59pm “So are we gonna order some food, and if so, from where? (complete silence) Cool.” - GW
1:03pm Begin Episode II
1:05pm Movie stopped because DVD from Hollywood Video is already fucking up. MR busts out DVD cleaner.
1:10pm Movie re-begins
1:15pm Damn those disgruntled spice miners!
1:32pm Worst foreshadowing injoke ever.
1:34pm “Jedi Business”: “That is gangster!”
1:37pm Natalie tells Jar Jar to shut the fuck up, a much appreciated action.
2:04pm Hooray for Natalie Portman’s cleavage. “She is BANGIN’ in this scene.” - IS
Boo for Hayden Christiansen’s acting
2:10pm Jango v. Obi-Wan, such a sweet fight scene
2:17pm “I took trips like that with my dad.” - MR “Through asteroid fields?” - GW
2:44pm loving the fact that the Yankees are winning and I can follow online.
2:54pm They bring out the beasts, we blaze up the blizz.
3:03pm Mace Windu off-with-his-heads Jango. “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!”
3:08pm Yoda is a little green Patton.
3:19pm Yoda fight scene, best part of the movie.
3:20pm Natalie Portman is so hot.
3:24pm “Sunrise, Sunset”
3:26pm End of Episode II
3:41pm Ordered from Xing Long
2 Chicken teriyaki sticks (JS/GW)
1 pt. pork lo mein (GW)
1 qt. white rice (JS)
1 qt. boneless spare ribs (JS/MR)
1 pt. shrimp fried rice (MR)
1 steamed dumplings (JS)
Total: $39.69
3:44pm Begin Clone Wars animated shorts
3:45pm agreed that breaks need to be cut short
3:54pm AZ requests and is granted permission to read journal in order to catch up
3:57pm Food arrives (16 minutes after ordering), movie paused
4:06pm move restarted
4:20pm That time of day.
4:26pm “Sandor does NOT know how to use the Wii!” - IS
4:31pm “Get this muthafucking spaceship off my muthafucking desert!” - AZ
4:42pm "Shouldn’t C3PO be calling Padme “Madame Senator” and not “Miss Padme”?" - GW “He is a protocol droid, he should know better.” - AZ
4:52pm Unbelievable fight scene between Anakin and the trainee Sith ends. Phenomenal.
4:57pm Seriously, who let Shaggy into the Jedi?
5:00pm End of Clone Wars
5:05pm “Disc is dirty”
5:08pm GW requests Episode III begins without him due to pooping. It does.
5:11pm In reference to Chancellor Palpatine: “A corrupt Republican? I’ve never seen one of those before!” -MR
5:16pm “Now, Geoff likes Episode II. That means that now we don’t have to hear him complain about Episode II any more.” -IS (for the record, GW does not now “like” Episode II, he just doesn’t hate it as much as he used to)
5:24pm Anakin depcapitates Count Dooku in the awesomest beheading ever (not involving French Revolution or Terrorism)
5:29pm GW finishes pooping. Total poop time: 21 minutes
5:31pm GW leaves because “fuck you guys” CT proceeds to talk his ear off about some shit GW could care less about.
5:35pm GW returns in no better mood than he left in.
5:37pm “’I’m pregnant.’ ‘Fuck off!’” - IS
5:38pm SS’s food arrives.
5:51pm MR gives JS a taste of his own medicine.
6:17pm Grievous suffers sweet death.
6:25pm MWMB sparked.
6:26pm Darth Vader is “knighted”
6:57pm Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
7:12pm “Climbing up lava with no skin’s gotta hurt.” - AZ
7:13pm First Ingmar Bergman reference.
7:15pm Luke is born.
7:16pm Leia, less than a minute later.
7:17pm Darth Vader’s mask is placed.
7:18pm “Yes master.”
7:24pm End of Episode III.
7:34pm room rearranged, DVD loaded and waiting.
7:36pm New Hope begins
7:41pm Enter Vader
7:42pm “I think Natalie Portman and Carrie Fisher look alike, they have the same… 'ness'” - IS
7:54pm First appearance of Luke.
8:06pm Obi-Wan appears. Spark it.
8:19pm Luke declares he wants to be a Jedi.
8:22pm Chewy appears.
8:24pm Han Solo appears.
8:53pm Luke meets Leia “I’ve come to rescue you,” Leia and Han meet for the first time
9:06pm Vader meets Obi-Wan
9:09pm Obi-Wan dies.
9:24pm PORKINS!!!!!
9:32pm BIGGS!!!!
9:33pm Death Star powers weapons: “You’d think they’d have powered it up on the way over.” - JS
9:34pm Death Star explodes.
9:37pm Credits roll.
9:47pm Empire begins. First break that went smoothly.
9:48pm “Dude, you’re missing it!” - IS “I hate being Geoff” - AZ “This is my new favorite game.” - IS
9:49pm “9:49, Sandor kills everyone in the room” - JS
9:50pm “9:50, Shannon ruins Christmas.” - GW “9:51, Geoff licks my balls.” - SS
10:06pm Leia kisses Luke. GROSS!
10:29pm “It’s perfectly safe!”
10:35pm Dude hits Shannon’s car with his bike
10:40pm Han and Leia kiss
10:49pm “You’ve got to have a training montage!” cue “Rocky” theme
10:54pm Boba Fett, all grown up.
10:55pm “A Star Wars drinking game would have to include any time the Millenium Falcon shits the bed.” - AZ
11:00pm “Boom! One hour til pie!” - IS
11:08pm Billy Dee is in the house.
11:09pm Inappropriate jokes about Lando begin.
11:10pm “Is this the Fortress of Solitude?” - SS
11:23pm “I love you” “I know.”
11:30pm Is Chewbacca gonna have to choke a bitch?
11:38pm “Luke, yer ahm’s off!”
11:39pm “I am your father.”
11:45pm “Drink.” - AZ (see 10:55pm)
11:47pm on R2D2: “He’s totally a deus ex machina on wheels. He just rolls around and saves the day.” - AZ
11:48pm “It’s more like ‘machina ex machina’.” - SS
11:50pm Empire ends
12:03am MR makes it known that he is NOT playing around tonight.
12:10am Jedi starts, “Adam, the movie started” game begins.
12:16am “Back to the old favorite ‘droids walking around.’ I can not get enough ‘droids walking around.’” - IS
12:24am “You must - NARFLE THE GARFLARK!” - AZ
12:27am “PIZZA TIME!”
12:47am Palpatine appears.
12:53am Yoda confirms Luke’s parentage.
12:55am “There is another Skywalker.” Yoda dies.
12:58am Luke discovers Leia is his sister.
12:59am Admiral Ackbar on deck.
1:10am “Shake ‘n Bake! Whoo!” “That just happened!”
1:13am Ladies and Gentlemen… an Ewok. “Clan of the Teddybear”
1:15am Theme to Disney’s “Gummy Bears” is sung by AZ, GW, and SS.
1:17am DV: “I have felt him.” “Haha, gross.” - IS
1:20am “Machina ex machina”, R2, cuts them down.
1:22am “Sandor entering the room!” - IS
1:23am “That’s what Shannon’s baby would look like if it were a werewolf.” - GW
1:31am Luke tells Leia they’re related.
1:37am “OMG It’s D-Day” - GW breaks it down for SS
1:46am “It’s a trap!”
2:05am The shield is down.
2:08am Vader throws Palpatine over the edge.
2:11am The mask comes off.
2:14am Death Star II blows up.
2:15am “You know what that Ewok just said? ‘Yeah, get some!’” - AZ
2:18am Fin.
TIME: 15hrs. 38mins. (Beginning of Episode I to end of Episode VI)