Good Article...

Sep 30, 2008 17:15

Here's another article I came across today...

11:11 2012 Investigated.

Some years ago amidst my explorations of occult subjects, I discovered there was a cult of interest surrounding the specific time 11:11. This had it seemed come about due to peoples peculiar experiences with this time, or with the number 1111. Generally speaking this was explained in the context of synchronicity, meaningful coincidence.

The 11:11 phenomena’s participants would find that most every day they would happen to look at a clock at exactly 11:11 or perhaps 23:11. In time people tried to explain why this was happening, the most popular explanation was that a group of higher being, or angels, were using it to bring themselves into human awareness. This explanation became very popular and has spawned numerous groups and indeed books centred around it. This interpretation of 11:11 phenomena is however not of great interest to most 2012 researchers.

The number 11 in both singular and duplicate form has great importance for 2012 related astrology, prophecy, numerology and history. Lets just start by making everyone aware that if we take the Mayan symbol for 11 and then duplicate it, flip its duplicate, shift them both ninety degrees, we have the image of 11:11.

During the last couple of months it came to the attention of fringe arena Mayan calendar scholars, that the winter solstice marking the end of the Mayan Long Count cycle, occurs exactly at 11:11 universal time. This has been a huge revelation, one that has opened a Pandora’s box of linked data. New 2012 perspectives, and indeed increased synchronicity, have followed suit en masse.

Of course 11 has its own numerological meanings. One numerological interpretation is that it marks the beginning of new cycles and increased spiritual and compassionate factors. It is considered as one of the master numbers, those that are not reduced by the addition of the constituent numbers. There is a great deal of information available on this aspect of the topic, more than I can cover here. This number and specifically the time 11:11 appearing linked to the December 2012 event has stunned many of those experiencing the temporal synchronicity events. Indeed it has shocked some of the supernatural and occult subject researchers who had long begun to ignore the phenomenon, such as myself for example.

I must admit that I have a particular bias in that I have myself experienced 11:11 temporal synchronicity events myself. Additionally I have 1:1 in my birth-date, which on an intuitive level always felt some how important to my life quest. I have in fact returned to this particular subject of mysterious 11’s by the synchronicity of separate personal contacts having sent me 11:11 related data within hours of one another. Upon logging into a particular site in which to post a follow up to the data I found myself on post number 1111 of the web thread. The game was afoot once again, as Sherlock Holmes might of said.

In my study of the 21-12-2012 subject matter there is a specific topic that absorbs much of my thought. The contemplation of Solar dynamics and Solar behaviour. I am by no means a Heliophysicist, or a even a particle physicist for that matter. As such I rarely brave explaining the role magnetospheric dynamics or other in depth Solar process have to play in respect to the subject of 21-12-2012. Even respected ‘experts’ on the science behind the workings of our nearest star admit that they do not have complete models. New understandings are always being reached in this area of astrophysics.

There is no doubt however that the Sun’s often erratic behaviour does have massive effects on our Earth’s biosphere. We sometimes forget that we do not merely orbit the sun but rather reside deep within its magnetosphere, the invisible part of the sun that extends out as a spherical bubble enclosing the inner planets. Many experts have contended that changes in atmospheric ion count, for example, effect human and animal behaviour as well as our bio-clocks. Even influencing biological, physiological and behavioural patterns of all living things. Certainly we know that some frequencies of radiation from the sun can effect cell division, or indeed even brain functions. Excess or lack of certain frequencies, and types of solar radiation have been observed to have radical effects on human beings under laboratory conditions.

The reason why the Sun becomes important in the 11:11 subject is not simply that it is of course central to a solstice point in our calendar. It also happens to be that the sun’s magnetic field operates a cycle of polarity reversals averaging 11.11 years in length. The next peak of this cycle happens to be in the year 2012 and has been predicted by astrophysicists to be a very active maximum, possibly the most active since the end of the last ice-age.

Nikola Tesla, the unsung hero of science whom gave us such wonders as alternating current (imagine not having that!), was himself rather interested in the Sun. Although a hard scientist, he was also rather superstitious about numbers, and held the perhaps strange belief that the Sun and the Earth were dynamic living organisms. A belief also held by many indigenous peoples of the America’s and indeed world-wide. I mention this because on some level I am left wondering if the Sun is either consciously or by unknown natural mechanisms communicating with the life forms that inhabit its sphere of influence?

Is the Sun, our temporal governor, speaking to us through the very devices that display its movement through the divisions of the day. Could this really be like the elephant in the living room that nobody wants to see, the sun having an 11.11 year cycle, the winter solstice of 2012 falling at 11:11 and people all over the world finding themselves bombarded with 11’s just as science is predicting some kind of majestic solar event at the peak of this current cycle?

Interestingly 11’s have played important roles in recent world history. The 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day is the official moment of remembrance for the lives lost during, and cessation of, the terrible fighting in Europe during WWI. Two minutes of silence are observed, a pair of 1's yet again. More recently we have the initiation of a war on September 11-01, which may yet be remembered as the start of WWIII. It also transpires that 111 in numerology is a ‘power number’ related to fresh modes of thinking applied to new cycles in life‘s play.

It is of additional note that not only did we have the start of the war-on-terror on the 11th September, but that it was heralded by the destruction of two great buildings appearing to stand above the New York skyline in the form of an enormous 11. A side not mentioned by mystic’s is that card number 16 of the classical Tarot immediately sprung to mind. The card portrays a tower struck, crumbling away, and people falling. The card appears in Tarot spreads as an indicator of massive, tumultuous, painful changes before something new can appear. It was as though the symbol for massive turbulent changes just leap off our Tarot card and onto our TV screens.

As a 21-12-2012 subject matter researcher, it would be perhaps ironic if I had missed the timing of the event in relation to that subject. The events of that fateful day occurred just over 11 years from the end of the Mayan calendar. Was this a vast cosmic herald of great change relating to the numbers 11, 111, 11-11?

Its also interesting to note that the very numbers of the solstice date 21-12-2012 can be added together to give us the number 11 once again. Almost like a fail safe, just in case we were to dumb to of noticed all the other 11 related patterns!

Before leaving this subject completely it is worth a tour through some other related data just for fun. It is not my place to reach any absolute conclusions, and as such any relevant information is possibly worth sharing whilst on topic. Also I do ask that everyone bears in mind that the Gregorian and Mayan systems are very different, and that in the Mayan system there is no 11:11 21-12-2012 as such. Rather there is as an end date.

One fun mathematical oddity is the fact that 1111 multiplied by 1111 gives us 1234321. This forms two sides of a structure not Mayan stepped pyramid in numeric form. In terms of the much vaunted ‘New Age’ and the coming of the era of Aquarius, its notable that the water bearer is the 11th sign of the zodiac cycle.

Interestingly the moving to the point 1111 days before the 2012 solstice gives us the date 6-12-09. The fact that 6, 9, & 12 are sequential multiples of perhaps the most highly regarded spiritual number 3 is a notable fact. For my part 3, 33, 333 & 3:33 have been the numbers that follow me through my life more than any others in relation to synchronicity. The 11 link returns when we divide 33 by 3 which of course give us 11 once again. Also don't forget that the date 9-11 can also be seen in numerology as 333-11.

Perhaps the most powerful lesson inherent in the number 11, is that there is one, and next to it there is one. I am another yourself, and you are another myself. Each is one. All are one. There is only one.

If only all mankind could find in that, a simple message of truth.


Special thanks to 'Bruce'.
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