At Least It's Not Zombies

Mar 22, 2020 21:52

My job at The Big Green Grocery Store does not have a work from home option, so I'm down in the trenches ringing up groceries and explaining that no, we don't have any toilet paper and, no, I don't know when any will be coming in. Those fleeting moments when we do have toilet paper, I have to explain to people that no, they can't have more than two paper products, which includes the paper towels they're also trying to get. This says nothing of the canned soup, canned beans, canned vegetables and other food encased in metal, which also has a maximum of two per household. Which means I have to deal with people being really pissed at me because their opportunity to stock up into next month has been denied.

They've also got me working eight and nine hour shifts, which is about regular for an office job, but in an office job, you can sit down and not deal with quite as many angry people. Admittedly, many people have been understanding and even thanked me for my service. But one turd has a way of tainting everything.

I did meet up with the Gentleman Caller this past week. Normally, we get together at my place, chat for a while, go out to dinner, come home and enjoy each other's company, often with bourbon involved. This time around, he brought ingredients in a cooler bag and cooked dinner. It was quite good. I had to peel all the art supplies off of the table so we could sit and eat, but I kinda needed to do that anyway. He then informed me that he was going into lockdown so it'll be a while before I can see him again.

Sundays have changed over time. Sunday breakfast went first, as my parents decided to take in Masses online, since they're both in their eighties and a high risk group. We met for dinner and compared survival plans. This week, Sunday dinner was cancelled for an indefinite period. I had some of the leftovers from the Gentleman Caller's dinner (he insisted I keep them) and watched the most recent season of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (The Gauntlet!) which has a toilet paper joke that is three times as funny under the current circumstances.

I went to the labyrinth today. The library is closed but the labyrinth doesn't even have a gate. I did a little trash pickup and weeding, then walked the path and sat in the center for a little while, contemplating the state of the world. I think I may avail myself of this more often, since hardly anybody goes there (give or take the folks who sometimes nap on the benches). There's definitely enough weeding to be done to keep me occupied for days.

I have a few weekdays off this week, which will probably be spent recovering from the days on. I never lack for things to do at home, so I won't have boredom to worry about. I've grown to envy those folks "trapped" in their domiciles.

So, how are you doing?

Today I took pleasure in frozen strawberries on a stick.

Today I learned Trader Joe's is still open and wine is still cheap there.

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the big green grocery store, labyrinth, gentleman caller

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