Nov 20, 2006 19:42
There are times during a 3-day when JLC can get a little stressful. By sunday afternoons the kids are going stir crazy and going through parental withdrawal. We do our best to entertain the children, keep them safe and do a massive cleaning to wherever we may be staying that weekend.
This year Ash and I have managed to witness a miracle or two. One would be when Ash and I had 7 children in a cabin, while raining with no tv. The wheels on the bus ended up going round and round all weekend long. But hey, it kept them entertained.
We have learned a lot about each child and have bonded with them all. No matter how stressful it may be, it's always worth it when the 2 year old turns around, looks at you in the eyes and says, "Miss Becky, I like you a whole lot!" Or when any of the children light up as you read their favorite story, sing their favorite song,falls asleep in your arms,or when the baby says your name for the first time.
I think one of the coolest things out of JLC is watching all of them grow, and seeing how bright they have become. Children are such a blessing, the sweetest gifts. Thank you parents for allowing your children to be a part of our lives as we have been a part of theirs.
We will be looking forward to next year and putting our heads together to make JLC more enjoyable for you, your children and ourselves.
*Special thanks to twelveoaks for allowing us to use your home.*