Feb 22, 2005 22:35
icky IT guy named Danny..
and this is how it started...
i was walking down the hall one day and overheard him talking to the security guy about our former mouse problem..and i said...'oh no..we dont have mice again ...do we?" not to him...but to the security guy...but he said...'you mean the clicky kind" and made this little hand motion like you make when you use your computer mouse...you know...cuz he's an IT geek
anyway...the next day he comes to my desk with an old computer mouse from the IT dept..and asks me for a marker...he proceeds to draw a mouse face on it...and leaves it on my desk..he says some stuff to me...but i've since blocked that part out...he stopped by later and said more stuff to me...but again...i've blocked it out...
he came back the next day...asked me if i named the mouse yet...i told him its name was 'clicky' just to make him go away...he came back twice more...
he came back again today...cut most of the cord off the mouse...to make its 'tail' look more realistic...took the ball out of the bottom...and said 'look it pooped'...came back later with balls from 6 other mice wrapped in a napkin and laid them behind 'clicky' to make it look like a trail of mouse poop...
he then sent me a pic that he had taken at home of his kitten sitting over top of a 'clicky' look alike...attached to an email that said 'how could you do this to 'clicky'...why? why??' ...this means he thinks about me at home long enough to have taken this pic!
my co-workers ..find this all very amusing...i find it all...as ...well..evidence in a future trial