Dec 19, 2004 00:26
family xmas party this evening...
omg ..first thing i noticed
my crazy her personality already checked into the looney bin..aunt...had eyebrows permanently tattooed onto her face! mind you..her hair is WHITE..and the eyebrows were DARKBROWN...and she is in her late 40's if not 50's. AND..her daughter told me she spent $200 to do this to herself! i also heard rumor that she is going to have eyeliner tattooed on as well! wow. thats all i have to say about that...except that it kept me laughing..hard..for quite some time.
let's see what else...
my little cousin (actually my second cousin)..i guess he's about 3 or 4...talked to me about his incredible hulk toy..for about 10 minutes...why is this interesting? because he is so shy and is very particular about who he talks to! and its funny because in those 10 minutes he must have told me the same thing about 15 or 20 times...but i listened and tried to sound interested because he is so damn cute and i didnt want to discourage him from talking to me again!
oh..the fam decided to once again start our old tradition of christmas caroling...during which we walked around the neighborhood with sleighbells and candles..knocking on doors and..of course sang to the poor souls who actually we used to do when i was kid. after the first few songs..i quickly remembered why we stopped! my family can NOT carry a tune for ANYTHING! BUT it was fun and some of the families that we sang too were genuinely even brought out some cookies and hershey kisses.
all in i've said family is ...crazy...but..they brother..dresses up as santa every year..and comes in for the kids..their faces light up..he sits down and lets each one sit on his lap..and he always has a present for each one of them..they are always so excited to see santa..AND..on xmas eve ...he dresses up again and drives to each on of their houses and peaks in their window..just long enough so they see a "HO HO HO" and then runs off...every year since he's been doing that..their parents have had no problem getting them to go to bed on xmas eve.
its one of the craziest family party's you'll ever see...tons of kids running brothers..sisters..nieces..nephews...aunts..uncles..cousins..second up..but mostly ..just a sense of happiness..and thats what i love about my matter how crazy they are..when it comes to holidays...we always put all the family bickering aside..
after the party...well of course..just like any after fam to my sisters to play games with my niece! lol....the niece ..her best friend ..and i.. played UNO ATTACK..which ..if u havent basically UNO with a twist..and it comes with this contraption that spits the cards out at you ..its quite amusing..especially at 11pm when you are really tired and still laughing about your aunts tattooed eyebrows.