Oct 25, 2003 10:22
I haven't updated in a while so.........
No long discourse.
There are rainbows all over my apartment.
I got this cool solar powered rainbow maker. It goes on a window and when the sun hits the tiny solar panel it makes rainbows !
Nice !
So it is a rainbow morning. The rainbow besides being adopted by the gay community it is also the symbol of hope and promise. Nice huh?
After all who doesn't need just a dash of hope and promise?
I also want to write about my mountain trekking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It was awesome ! We climbed 4300 feet. The North Slide had sections of a class 4 mountain so it was dangerously fun !
Ha Ha I laugh now but there were some very scary moments. I will write more later on that as it needs to be recorded so I can savor and even share every wonderfilled moment.
Now time to clean my apt..Grrrrrrrrr