Nov 10, 2005 22:32
I will proudly say this: I am ridiculously happy right now
I will proudly say this: I haven't been this happy the entire school year
I will proudly say this: Life is going pretty damn well at the moment
Our final performance went amazing, better then I ever thought it could be. I am so proud of every single cast member, I might just explode. Especially Emily. She's so effing talented, and I'll be around to happily say "I was with her in her first black box, I know her!" She's a brilliant girl.
Other run of the mill things, I kicked ass in all my tests this week.
100, 96, 100
After a show is always my favorite part, for the hugs and smiles go on for days. Everyone is in such a good mood. He was there, he came to see me. He's actually a nice guy, and it's good to know they still exist. (For a while I had my doubts.) I think I like him alot as a person, and I was flipping out inside when he offered to take me home.
The weekend goes as follows:
Day 1.You guys, Day 2.You guys, Day 3.You A-Man
It will be awesome
I smell, shower time.