Nov 02, 2005 23:20
I have nothing to say except:
I like it when you smile with your braces. I like it when you wear David Bowie t-shirts. I like it when you do your hair. I like it when you look up at me through your eyelashes. I like it when you look down your nose at me. (which is more often than the eyelash deal). I like it when you shove your hands in your pocket. I like it when you show me your architecture. I like it when you bitch about architecture classes. I like it when you walk me to class because you have those periods off. I like it when you tuck your chin to your chest because you are laughing. I like it when your friends look at me with question in their eyes. I like it when your friends look at you with "who's she, man?" in their eyes. I like it when you show up out of the blue. I like it when you catch me in the middle of something, and grab my attention. I like it when you sometimes hang outside the theatre hall after school looking for me. I like it when I sometimes purposely avoid you. I like it when you skip after school meetings to talk to me. I like it when you dance in the hallway with me. I like it when you explain how you can't help but critique artistic things. I like it when you tell me you read books in one day. I like it when you ask "wanna escort me to my mini van?" using those exact words. I like it when you stand under trees with me and talk about when you were my height. I like it when you make me feel like a tongue tied 16 year old girl. I like it when I think you're boring. I like it when I only sometimes like you intensely. I like it when I don't even think about you. I like it when I simply like the idea of you. I like it when.