When I do normal, it is infact just that: Normal.
After a short period of time, it's easy for me to looks past things, and not need to pretend to be alright. I simply am. I find it's a waste of time to dwell on things you can't change or to harbour resentment ect. towards something or someone not worth it.
This weekend will be strangely bare with it's absence of theatre. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Want to hear a pleasant little story? I asked Bazan if I could have a tootsie roll and he pretended to ponder all the while making comments about the talking group of rehearsal. I felt so awful.
I really love my photography class with a passion. I get to use $1600 cameras, sit around on a computer, and get credit for all of it. It's like my life with a paper reward.
Sorry I was in the officer area when I took this shot
It doesn't make me a bad person if I think you're pathetic, it just makes me observant. I think this 6 weeks sucked more than it should have. I'm glad it's over and that we all get a fresh start.
It was a nice surprise to see so many ladies who touched my life last year. Maybe one day I'll make an impact in freshman's life, and they'll remember me when I come back to visit. Sometime's I wonder like Gary does.