Punsch Rezept
1 Liter starker schwarzer Tee (strong black tea) +
250 g Zucker (sugar) -
Saft von 3 Zitronen (juice of 3 lemons) -
Saft von 4 Orangen (juice of 4 oranges) -
2 Flaschen Rotwein (2 bottles of red wine) -
1/4 Liter Rum (¼ liter of rum) +
8 Gewürznelken (8 cloves) -
1 Stk. Zimtrinde (1 cinnamon bark) ?
1 ungespritzte Zitrone (1 lemon - biological of that you can use the skin) +
In a big pot you have to put the sugar and on the sugar you putt he boiling hot tea, then add the orange- and lemonjuice, the spices and turn around as long as to the point where the sugar is melted.
Add the red wine. In a seperate pot warm up the rum, then add it to the rest, then mix the whole,
in case you like you can decorate the punsch in the glass with the skin of the lemon.
Take care that the whole is not boiling, to no moment so that you are not killing tast and alcohol,
should be cold outside,
I take no responsibility for eventual head ache the next day!!!!
Best regards and have nice punsch!!!!!