Me, Camille, Emily, & Lisa on the ferry...on the way to Vashon Island! This was taken with my camera phone.
Friday afternoon
Super cheesy.
Before dinner...
Emily and Camille
"Gotta fix the hair..."
Beautiful friends.
I like this picture, I don't know why...Emily has a nice profile.
Nate skipping rocks.
Goregous water.
This looks like it could be Devon's album cover...
Love him. Love my cheesy smile.
I think this is a goregous shot. I love the yellow-ness and Justin's face. !!! myspace it !!!
I also love this. Camille is so flippin' adorable. It looks like her head was cut & pasted into the picture.
Beautiful sunset. Twins? Nope.
What a friend.
The eye.
Yum. Hair.
I love it when you play.
Dig in.
That's me acting crazy by the sink.
Hanging out
From left: Lauren, Alyssa, Alexa, Melody, David, and Megan
From left: Nate, Justin, Riesa, Lisa, Devon, Saedi, Camille, and Emily
Hanging out in the dark. Well, my flash ruined it.
Saturday afternoon
Nate: "Angela, you love Justin's leg, don't you?" Me: "Why yes..."
Just a little tired.
Lisa hiding. And I like the leaves.
Nate's eyes are captivating.
What is going on?
Shoes. Mine are the ones not being worn. And I like the duct tape on Justin's.
Emily petting my butt. (No, she was really inspecting the hole in them.)
A little drugged. (Who the heck took all of these?)
Camille's eyes are 'LOL'.
Saturday night?
Flossing is healthy.
Matching...Justin & Saedi.
Feed me.
Sleepy heads.
I'd like to model underwear someday. Man, gotta love this.
Escape route.
We love each other.
Sunday morning
Breakfast. So serious.
How do you spell your victory? I spell mine with a V, baby.
Beautiful ladies. I look like a hip hop dancer.
Getting ready for their song.
Ohh baby, play it again.
Deer caught in headlights? Low cut shirt?
Emily is in too many pictures. It's okay, I love it.
Related? WHOA.
Hey guys, look who I'm imitating? (Inside joke)
Those eyes! STOP!
You broke my heart.
I love you guys. And I want Melody's hair.
Love your breasts.
Look at what I found!
I want your legs.
Saying goodby.e
Kisses for Lisa.
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