Hello again, everyone! Wonder89 here! This my seventh entry which I am glad about. Anyway...to start off my seventh entry, I would like to say that I'm glad to be back on Livejournal. I've been away from it for quite some time. Each time I thought of going back, I end up forgetting to do it. Now, since it's summer, I can get back on track. ^^ Anyway, I'll show you some pictures from Deviantart. Please note that I don't own the following pictures; I just show them off for you to enjoy.
http://orig09.deviantart.net/aa1e/f/2013/068/9/e/9ea91f33bcd750baa25695c605062a25-d5xg92w.png This lovely artwork of Yurika-sama is made by nuxi-chan. It's really well done! ^^
http://orig14.deviantart.net/3855/f/2013/149/c/c/yurika_sama_by_ibanesan-d672oh5.jpg This cute artwork of Yurika-sama is made by ibanesan. It's pretty good. :)
http://pre00.deviantart.net/47c3/th/pre/f/2016/100/f/9/yumeee_by_drizzlingdawn-d9yg9wy.png This cute artwork of Yume-chan is made by Drizzlingdawn. I really like how it's drawn.
http://orig01.deviantart.net/7f20/f/2016/108/4/4/preppy_edit_yume_nijino_by_pastriess-d9zfb32.jpg This nice artwork of Yume-chan is made by Pastriess. I like the bright colors and the overall colorful design of it. :3
That's all the pictures for today. I'll show more soon. This is Wonder89 signing off.