Hello again, everyone! Wonder89 here! This is my 4th entry which I am rather happy about. :) Anyway...to start off my 4th entry, I'll be showing some pictures of Akari-chan from Deviantart due to it being her birthday. Please note that I don't own the following pictures; I just show them off for you to enjoy.
http://pre01.deviantart.net/2d49/th/pre/f/2015/263/9/f/aikatsu____akari_oozora_by_to_sunset-d9achtx.jpg This cute artwork of Akari-chan is made by To-Sunset. It's simple yet cute.
http://orig13.deviantart.net/c310/f/2015/027/1/0/akari_oozora_by_pirupiruze-d8fmh10.jpg This lovely artwork of Akari-chan is made by pirupiruze. I love how cute and pretty Akari-chan's dress is.
http://pre15.deviantart.net/f627/th/pre/i/2016/055/6/3/oozora_akari_by_cheriin-d9sxx8l.png This nice artwork of Akari-chan is made by Cheriin. Akari-chan looks so cute~!
That's all the pictures for today...nope! :p April Fool's! ^^ I have one more picture to show you.
http://pre03.deviantart.net/5e19/th/pre/i/2014/342/4/b/candy_akari_by_prismbell-d8974xh.jpg This cute artwork of Akari-chan is made by Prissmbell. Akari-chan looks so cute in that outfit!
Now, that's all of the pictures this time...nope again! April Fool's! ;) I have one more picture. Just ONE more picture and that will be all for today.
http://pre14.deviantart.net/716a/th/pre/i/2015/022/f/d/glasses_akari_by_corniac-d8f0yw0.png This adorable artwork of Akari-chan is made by Corniac. Akari-chan looks so cute wearing glasses!
Okay, now that's all of the pictures for today. I hope you enjoy the "Akari-chan Overload"! And Happy Birthday to you, Akari-chan!
This is Wonder89 signing off.