Jun 01, 2013 01:29
And with that she began her walk through the dark with no knowledge of where that might lead. She walked towards her fate. A part of her deep inside trusted it would be ok, but on the surface there was a different story all together. She gathered the details, inspected every groove, and still she was left with the feeling of uncertainty. She was a detective blinded at the start of a mystery. Instinct would be her only guide, though trying to solve the riddle before it's end would prove to be pointless. Time was the only thing keeping her from the destination where she might find answers, or who knows, maybe just more questions. Onward she moved as turning back was never an option. Forward or stagnant, either way, only time would tell. There would be no escaping reality regardless of what that might be. She walked through the dark with no knowledge of where that might lead because not progressing was never an option.