Name: Whitney
Age: 23 today!!
Stamped As:
Jane Porter - regular
Mulan - Disney princess
Vixey - female animal
Simba - male animal
Mary Poppins & Bert - live action
Wendy - era I
Vixey - era II
Jane Porter - era III
Franny - era IV
5 positive words about yourself: hardworking, independent, cheerful, adventurous, and kind
5 negative words about yourself: stubborn, shy, critical, bossy, secretive
Describe your personality: : I'm an INTJ. I love my friends, but I need my alone time. I trust my head more than feelings, but I'm about equal left brain and right brain, meaning I'm both logical & creative. I hate being tied down and really need my freedom. I try to be friendly to everyone I meet, but if someone start annoying me I have a hard time being their friend.
Are you a idealist, realist, or pessimist? A bit of both idealist and realist; I see the world for how it is - all the good and bad - but I also see what can be done to change it.
Are you by the books or rulebreaker/rebel? I'm by the books!
Are you laid back or worrisome? Laid back, but not irresponsible.
Implusive or Cautious: cautious, I plan things out
Leader or Follower: leader, but I'm willing to follow a good leader
Selfish or selfless: I can be selfish, but I try to be more selfless
High or low self esteem: in the middle
Warm hearted or cold hearted: warm-hearted
Introverted or Extroverted: introverted
Anything Else You Would Like To Share?: thanks for the votes!