Name: Laura Katariina
Age: 18
Stamped As: Regular; Alice
5 positive words about yourself: Imaginative, a daydreamer, open-minded, silly, free-spirited.
5 negative words about yourself: Tardy, impatient, stubborn, indecisive, anti-social.
Describe your personality: Well, according to all sorts of tests and whatnot...
♦ I am an INFP (Introvertic, intuitive, feeling, perceiving): "It is said that INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life." ...And that pretty much describes me perfectly. I have a habit of being in my own little dreamworld and it's hard for me to switch back to reality.
♠ I'm an enneagram type 5 → The Investigator: "Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They have named personality type Five The Investigator because, more than any other type, Fives want to find out why things are the way they are. Fives are not interested in exploring what is already familiar and well-established; rather, their attention is drawn to the unusual, the overlooked, the secret, the occult, the bizarre, the fantastic, the “unthinkable.” Investigating "unknown territory"-knowing something that others do not know, or creating something that no one has ever experienced-allows Fives to have a niche for themselves that no one else occupies."
♥ And I'm The Dreamy Idealist: "They are very cautious and therefore often appear shy and reserved to others. For Dreamy Idealists, practical things are not really so important. They only busy themselves with mundane everyday demands when absolutely necessary."
Are you a idealist, realist, or pessimist? Idealist, definitely. It's difficult for me to be realistic.
Are you by the books or rulebreaker/rebel? A quiet rebel most likely. If I think some rules are ridiculous, I'm not gonna follow them.
Are you laid back or worrisome? Both. I can go from laid back to worrisome in a split second. But that's just how I roll.
Implusive or Cautious: Extremely impulsive. Though cautious around strangers and when out of my comfort zone.
Leader or Follower: Neither. I like to go my own way and find new places and unused paths.
Selfish or selfless: Selfless but I might not say anything about it or show it directly. I'm more of a selfless thinker than a doer. I might think about doing something nice but then I get distracted or forget. But my basic statement is that I'm still a selfless person. Always others before myself and real difficulty with saying "no" to people.
High or low self esteem: At the moment it's medium. I don't hate myself. I accept myself for who I am and how I look but my looks could be improved though.
Warm hearted or cold hearted: Warm!
Introverted or Extroverted: It depends. Sometimes I can appear pretty cold hearted but I'm really not. I'm just hiding my warm heartedness. It's difficult for me to be open about my feelings so I might seem cold instead of warm.
Anything Else You Would Like To Share?: Thanks in advance ♥