As a student I’ve had issues finding the right platform to try and help people just like me with finding information on a very crucial topic: mental health. Over the past few months I have been working with various sources to produce a document that encompasses salient and detailed information on the topic in regards to 5 key mental health problems: Unipolar Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Eating Disorders, Substance Use Disorders and Suicide and Attempted Suicide. Why I am placing it here via a google docs link is to try and raise awareness of the issue and provide those who seek to find more information on treatment options or causes behind a disorder’s existence with a way to access it online. It is slightly personal, it is largely scientific, but what it is most is an accurate representation of our issue divided into intelligible sections. To all those whose attention has been peaked, thank you in advance and I hope it will be of even the slightest of assistance.
Emma 1