Between Hammer and Anvil (NCIS/The Kingdom)

Sep 16, 2012 21:51

Title: Between Hammer and Anvil
Author: Needled_Ink_1975
Fandom: NCIS, The Kingdom (film 2007)
Pairing: Ziva David/Jen Shepard (established relationship)
Rating: M / NC-17 (Violence; moral/ethical issues)
Spoilers: None
Summary: Follows directly after Kidon. The crossover element is a single character (Robert Grace) from The Kingdom.

Ziva has transferred to the FBI, but it's not smooth sailing. She's viewed with suspicion, even though she's trying to flatten all the waves between the FBI and the Mossad. To make matters more difficult there's a former FBI agent doing his lone wolf best to make the Mossad look bad. But if that isn't bad enough, she's desk-strapped, needs a cane, and is pretty much in a permanent bad mood. Somewhere in the middle of all of this is Jen, who keeps having to remind herself that she's fifty, goddammit, not fifteen. And Tony ends up learning just a little more Hebrew than he bargained for.

Advisory: This story will make more sense if you read Kidon first (which is to say, this story contains spoilers for Kidon). However, it isn't necessary to watch The Kingdom before reading this story.

Disclaimer 1: All recognizable characters belong to Belisarius Productions, CBS-Paramount Television. This is a work of fanfiction for the purposes of not-for-profit entertainment, and as such constitutes fair use.
Disclaimer 2: The I-Really-Did-My-Research legalese disclaimer prefaces the story itself.
Disclaimer 3: The actual headquarters of the CIA is situated in McLean, Virginia. In the interests of maintaining a boundary between fact and fiction (and in employing the dramatic license that goes with the divide), in my stories those headquarters are located at the 'old address': Langley, Virginia.

Acknowledgments: Many thanks to: Dave for insights into the aches and pains that go with fresh muscle graft surgery, and the tricky use of a cane during the recovery period. And hagar_972, for conversations that poked my memory about Things Very Israeli, and also help with Hebrew (all fixed. Todah!). Special thanks to mayireadtoday, aka the Bestest Proofreader in the World. She's also responsible for providing the prompt that sparked this story (aka, It's All Her Fault). Read, you're awesome. Last, but never least, deepest thanks go to my peerless Editor law_nerd (peerless, indeed. There is but one of her). My A is the reason why this piece reads as well as it does.

Con-crit most welcome. Go wild. Please and thanks.

Between Hammer and Anvil on AO3


There are two more smaller pieces that run with this series. Click on 'Kidon Universe' in the tags list on AO3 and it'll produce a page showing all 4 pieces using the tag. So far. In a couple of months there'll be another +/-30K piece posted, which follows directly after Between Hammer and Anvil. Hopefully the capstone piece of this series will be beaten up and cowed into submission rewritten and polished enough to go up in January... and then maybe Ziva will say "Todah!" (Thanks!) instead of "Zeh lo nigmar" (This ain't finished), but with her, you never know. Aah, Israeli girls...


fandom: ncis, character: ziva david

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