Title: KIDON
Author: Needled_Ink_1975
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Ziva David/Jen Shepard
Rating: M / NC-17 (Violence; moral/ethical issues)
Spoilers: S3 through S5
Summary: Action, intrigue, suspense, gorgeous gun-toting women, and some transliterated Hebrew. Plus a little romance, at no extra charge. To quote Mr. Grossman, Canon Is Fired. This is a Ziva-centric AU fix-it fic in which Jen Shepard does not die (or go mental, or get sick). If you liked the old kick-ass, bad-ass, not-a-bit-bitter Ziva, she's back.
Disclaimer 1: All recognizable characters belong to Belisarius Productions, CBS-Paramount Television. This is a work of fanfiction for the purposes of not-for-profit entertainment, and as such constitutes fair use.
Disclaimer 2: The I-Really-Did-My-Research legalese disclaimer prefaces the story itself.
Disclaimer 3: Actual NCIS HQ is now located in the Russell-Knox Building, USMC Base Quantico. In the interests of maintaining a boundary between fact and fiction (and in employing the dramatic license that goes with the divide), in my stories NCIS HQ is still located aboard the Washington Navy Yard.
Disclaimer 4: The song "Le'at-le'at" is by Shalom Chanoch. Part of the lyrics appear in translation in this story (full translation in Story Notes).
Acknowledgments: Many thanks to: Orli, Einat, and The Guy and his father for checking most of the Hebrew in this story, and my translation of "Le'at-le'at" by Shalom Chanoch. TK for letting me shoot holes in targets with his suppressed FN 5-7 (5.7x28mm) - sound effects research is fun! My Awesome Wife for being the 'baddy' when I needed to rethink a hand-to-hand take-down sequence. Special thanks to my Proofreading Team:
mayireadtoday, The Guy and his father, and La H. They read several proofs and offered excellent suggestions that greatly improved this story. In short, they *rock* in a serious way. Last, but never least, deepest thanks go to my superb Editor
law_nerd. My A is the reason why this piece reads as well as it does (yes, you are: quit arguing!).
Notes: There are links to the main Story Notes post at the bottom of each chapter (that notes post has a linkified contents table. It's huge. Post it here? I don't think so).
Con-crit most welcome. Go wild. Please and thanks.
KIDON at AO3 Please note:
1) This fic was first posted October 30th 2011. Re-posted here with permission from a mod (
sofia_lindsay - Hi, and thanks!). Why am I posting old fic? Because there's newer fic in the same 'verse, and this story is where it all starts.
2) It's a long one, ladies: ~103K. If you tell me, "I was late for work!" I will take it as a compliment. Nearly twenty such compliments and counting. You haz bin warned!