Title: Objects in the rear view mirror
Author: TXLtoSFO
Fandom: CSI:LV
Pairing: Sara Sidle/Sofia Curits/OC Eli Trent
Rating: I give it an overall NC-17, cos I don't wanna rate each chapter individually.
Disclaimer: CSI, its characters, places, and situations are property of Jerry Bruckheimer Television, Alliance Atlantis and CBS Productions. This story was written for entertainment, not monetary purposes. Original characters, and this story are intellectual property of the author. Any similarities to existing characters, fictional or real, living or dead, are coincidental and no harm is intended.
Spoiler/Warnings: Character death
Summary/Note: This is a sequel to my story 'Mistakes', which you can find on my LJ or on ff.net, where I go by the name Foodwise. It is dark and ventures completely off canon, there's not much of CSI left you're going to recognise.
A life-changing event drives Eli away from Vegas. Set roughly three years after the events in 'Mistakes'. You will need to have read that one to understand what is happening here.
Notes: Time for a confrontation...
And credit where credit is due, the lyrics are not mine, they're from the beautiful song 'She's got a reason' by The Coral.
5. (Don't) Just go