WMC - It's What I Haven't Done...

Jan 29, 2010 14:03

Title: It’s what I haven’t done...

Author: sportysmurf
Fandom: Women’s Murder Club
Pairing: Lindsay/Cindy
Rating: PG
Archive: P&P, anyone else, please ask
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine they’re James Patterson’s and I’m only playing with them.
Spoilers: None

Summary: Lindsay’s a tad anxious. And a guest appearance - it's pretty obvious who I transplanted. :)
A/N: One shot, not a drabble. Thanks tons to both yellowsmurf6 and littleangelmary for helping beta, poke and encourage. And a shout out to smartyshortie for a reference, specifically Jill’s shoes.

A/N: Sorry for not using the LJ user feature but it made my postings crap out - you'll have to settle for my notes and reasonably good cheer for not blasting LJ in the first place. *stabs LJ user tool* Forgot to post it here first!

To my journal for fic!

author: sportysmurf, character: cindy thomas, fic, fandom: women's murder club, character: lindsay boxer

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